As all of this was happening on the outside I was laying flat on my back inside the mountain. The ship had crashed into the side of one of the mounds and kept going. The one that it had crashed into held some kind of flower garden and it had basically landed right in the middle of it. The crash had caused it to send spores up into the air where they caught the winds and started to spread across the country side. The spores would spread out over the barren waste land and start too grown. The spores would flow across the whole planet until they had covered the entire planet. They would reseed the plant and start to bring it back to life, but it would also do something else. It would alert another group of aliens that are looking for these flowers.
I opened my eyes and watched as the spores went forth through the opening in the roof that the mother ship had made. They rose up out of the cavern and joined with the already raising black smoke that was caught up in the winds. I could see the spores floating out across the country side and the rest of the badly scorched earth. “Ahh SHIT!!” I yelled and grabbed my shoulder ‘Brace what’s the damage? Next to my shoulder and leg.”
“Well the computer said trying to sound analitcal “Your jeans are ripped in nine different places and your bleeding from all of them…”The brace beeped as it got more information “…You’ve got several cuts on your chest and back, two bullet wounds that haven’t hurt yet” There was a brief pause as if the brace need to catch it’s breath “plus you have five cracked ribs and two broken ones and you have dislocated your right knee.”
“great.” I grabbed hold of the wall and started to pull myself up to a sitting position. Once I was up into a sitting position I fell back against the wall and looked out over the large flower bed. There were huge chucks of the mother ship in it. The chuncks had sent flower pedals and spores up into the air. “Well, let’s see if I can get up.” I planted my hand on the dirt covered ground and pulled my legs back until, they where under me. Then with a lot of help from the wall behind me, I started to with my legs until I came to a standing position.
As I was pushing on my right knee it gave a loud snapping, cracking and finally a really loud popping sound which sound like a gun shot as it reset itself. I yelled “AAA HHH SSSHHHIIITTT!!!!!” all the way up the wall in complete pain. I tried not to yell to loud, which was almost imposable I didn’t want anyone who might have been on the outside of the mound to hear me, but I had to take the chance. It hurt almost as bad as being hit by a Mack truck. When I was finally up and standing I placed my hand over my ribs and slowly started to walk, no not walk stagger is more like it out of the mound. There was a cave just off to my left hand side, and I could see people had come through it before. I was badly staggering and almost fell over every five steps if it wasn’t for the wall helping to hold me up. There wasn’t much left of the mound after the ship had crashed into it. I was lucky that this cave was still open and I was hoping it was clear all the way through to more open air.
Outside the mound Warrior was pacing back and forth. He was also digging through the smoking rubble and fallen rock. He was not happy with me and wanted to try and find me if I was alive and most likely try and kill me. Warrior was so upset he was throwing things so far that he was crushing bush that had caught fire when the ship had crashed. He was try to think of any reason why I would have ridden the ship all the way down and throw the crash, when all of a sudden the Lieutenant looked up at him as he picked up another huge rock. She was sitting down on a small hill with her hovertank, just off to her left side. She had become tired of searching for me and was now trying to think of a reason why I would do something like this and how she could kill me when they finally found my body if they found my body. “What was that?” She said when she looked up at Warrior.
Warrior looked over at her and tossed the rock that he had picked up off to the side “What?” he paused to listen “I don’t hear anything?”
“Shh!!” She waved her hand for him to be quite “Listen.” The Lieutenant pointed up into the air. She started to get up from where she was sitting. You could see she was really listening for something.
The Warrior Maidens looked at one another and then over at the Lieutenant. The two of them then said at the same time “Ya we hear it now.”
Blackjack spun on the spot “Ya I hear it too now.”
“What!!!” Warrior stomped frustrated “What do you hear?” He yelled out. He then paused as if he finally heared something “Wait…” He spun around “I hear it now.’ He started to look around trying to locate where the sound was coming from “It music.” Warrior turned around again “and it sounds like it’s getting louder.”
I stood at the end of a large hole in the side of the mound leaning agaist the wall. There were all kinds of broken stalactites and stalagmites in and around the mouth of the cave they where cover in smoldering foliage. The entrance to the mound was no more then about ten feet away from them “Ya.” I said and almost fell out of the cave entrance “It is one of my favorite pieces…” I paused to catch my breath and my footing “…it is called the Raider March.” The Lieutenant spun around to look at me “It’s from an old movie called Raiders of the lost Ark.” Warrior spun on his heels, Blackjack and the Warrior Maidens slowly turned to look at me. The Warrior Maidens smiled when they saw me and Blackjack folded his arm across this chest.
I stood there with my left arm holding my right side and my right arm against the wall holding me up “So who’s still mad at me?” I took my right hand off the wall and slapped myself across the chest a couple of time “Please raise your hand.” Dust came flying up into my face. I waved the durst away and blew it out of my noise to see the Lieutenant running towards me.
Once the Lieutenant saw me, she started to run towards me. By the time she got to me she was running at full speed. I was barely standing when she slammed into me and hugged me. When she impacted with me dust went flying up and everywhere “Boy am I glade to see you alive.’ She let go backed up a step or two and slapped me across the face, paused and then hugged me again. Dust flew up and around us one more time,
I groaned as the Lieutenant grabbed hold of me “Please Lieutenant.” I paused to catch my breath “I have a few broken ribs and you know me. I’m not one for hugging. ”I paused, feeling a couple of the cracked one break “And I’m in a lot of pain so if you don’t mind…” I started to push her back with my right hand and slump against the wall.
“Huh oh ya.” She said sarcastically “you’re the man with out any feelings.” And she let go backed away and slapped me again.
You know you almost didn't get a story tonight, because it was one of those ruff days where the morning went fine but the afternoon was very bumpy so I was going to give a short rant on nothing really, but I found this short piece I could try and type out real fast and it still too to long and isn't all here, but I found a nice place to stop for the night so I can try and get some rest. a nice quit night which isn't going to come untill later, but hey at lest i got the short out for tonight. Enjoy this little confusing piece and I'll try and get the last little and I do mean little part later to you.
You shall not pass
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