Yes I do put on and ware this $70 T-shirt that I had made many years ago. I like it and it's of couse one of a kind because I had it made form the story line of Nick Fury VS S.H.I.E.L.D. and I have never gotten any coments on it which kind of disappointing because I thought I would get a least one when I wasn't take a comic con.
Book 1 getting Dressed...
The night of the Dance. As the sun was setting Warrior was getting ready for the night. He was placeing the Tri-sword, a three bladed sword joint together to a single hilt. The two outer blades of the sowrd where shorter then the center one, but they all ended with a fan like base. The hilt of the sword securely linked the three blades together was wrapped in a heavy red leather weave, so that almost anyone whi used the sword would have a sold grip on it. The sword itself looked as if it had come straight out of the mid-evial period of history and here he was placing it in a long wooden sword box with two single bladed rappier swords.
The Rappier swords were long straight and highly polished steel blades that come down to a rounded out bell handle, that an 18th century musketeer might have used.
Warrior closed the lid on the sword box, picked it and a brief case that cantained his two pearl handles seven shooters up and took them down stairs, and out the front doors of the castle to a horse drawn chariot that he had gotten for the occasion. The chariot was white and gold and looked loke as if it had come from 18th century France. Warrior walked over to the side opened the door placed both the sword box and the brief case inside and under the back seat. He then pulled the fabric that was folded up on to the seat dowm to hide the two cases. He then closed the door to the chariot and headed back into the castle to get himself dressed for the evening.
Earlier in the day Warrior had asked me if I would be the driver for the chariot and the twins, Warrior Maidens, Nancy and Kathleen would be his foot women, seeing how that calling them foot men would be inappropriate. Of couse we all said "yes" other wise he would have to pay someone to do it and besides we were all friends.
As I was hitching up the horses to the chariot Warrior came out of the castle and walked over to me "well how do I look." I dropped the latch pin into place an then stood up to face him. He was dressed in a white shirt with ruffles down the center, a black vest over top of that, open of couse. Black plants with his black cavalier boots over them and finally his heavy black cloak hanging over his shoulders with the hood up covering his face in it's black void as it always did.
I starightened a couple of the ruffles in his shirt, brushed off his shoulders then took a step back to look at him "You look great..." I paused a second or two looking over him "...But you still need something to make you look superb." I walked passed him "Hold on just a second." along side the chariot and opened the side door. I lifed up the seat cover and pulled out the sword box and pulled out one of his rappers and slide the box back under the seat. Replaced the seat cover and closed the charoit and walked back over to Warrior "here put this on." I handed him the sword. Warrior took the sword from me swung the heavy leather belt around his waist locked it on and placed the hilt of the sword low on his left hip in order to take onn a proper postion to look right in order to escort a lady to a grand ball. I stepped back again to take another look at him "There you go. Now you look as if your going to be escorting a lady to a grand ball." I gestured to the chariot "Shall we go."
Warrior Nodded his head and carefully climbed into the chariot "Yes let's get this night going."
I closed the door to the chariot and started to walk to the front. As I started to walk up to the front of the chariot my cloths started to slowly change as if by magic. Instead of wearing my normal jeans and T-shirt I was now wearing an old 18th century driver outfit from France. It had a white ruffled shirt that shown out from under a tight blue coat. A pair of puffed out pants that stopped just inder the knee, where they were tied off. A pair of long white stockings meet up with the pants that stood out like ivory in mud and they also enhanced the black buckled show I wore "Boy I hate this dress!!" I said to no body in general "why couldn't these people have a little more style to them." I climbed up into the drivers seat of the chariot "One of these day's I'll have to go back there and kill the guy who started this trend." I adjusted myself so I was comfortably seated. Once I was comfortable I reached down, picked up the reins to the horse and shook them out. The horses gave a startle as to wake up. After I had them untangled and free from the horses I gave them a good hard wipe and started down the hill to pick up Blaze for the Dance.."
Ok can I say I need to do another rewrite to book one because a lot of this is really in bit parts. It looks more like a bad outline then a story. the really sad part is that I don't read some of it a head of time for you so I don't know what I'm getting you into when it does come to book 1. I know a lot more on book two because it's much more freash in my head more because I'm still writing it and the same thing goes for book 3, which I have very little writen, but I am working on it I keep finding empty note books that I buy for like 10 for a buck which is cool, but I just got like a whole apple box full of them. so I hope you didn't find tonights story that bad...
You shall not pass
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