Yes it was a nice day to try and relax do nothing and get rid of the headack that wouldn't come yeasterday, but the head was pounding, and you know it all hurts when you look in to the light a all hell brakes lose in you head it sucks to no end and guess what I still got one of the those. So it sucks to be me the last 48hours The really sad part is that it is only intermide I can get to stay around to try and take asprain to fix it and I can't get it to go away it really sucks to be me right now and to top it all off I have been trying to write some new stuff for the weekend and with my head killing me on and off I can get anything out because I can look at the white paper with out my head stop thinking or having a my mind just shut down because it hurts to think I just need to do mindles stuff like cook dinner and try and relax. Hell I don't even want to watch to much T.V. because there really isn't crap on right now. for the most part I just want to sit in a dark room and watch the flame of a candle with some low level music running in the back around, but I bet you if I do I'll be a sleep in a few mintues.
The Kindle Again...
You know the on thing that is cool is that in the dark I can pull out my Kindle and try and red. I know it is not really good for your eye and it might not even be that great for my head but the Kindle light works good enough to see and read in the dark one more thing it has over the I-pad. If you have a choose of E-readers I would go with the Kindle it has more possablities and to my knoweldge one of the first e-readers that where out there and usally the first ones are the best not in every case, but you know it usally a good start. people just need to stick with it and even though thing grow and get new things add to it not all new fetures are the best that is why I still have a computer that is running windows 98 and somewhere in storge I have a comador 64 with a few games that I really liked, like a maze game.
Video Games...
then again I still like to play Pac-man and doney Kong. I really can't get into these new game you run all over the place just to find one thing to run all over the place to try and get something else to then try and find this ring you need to get to try and kill this oger that it takes you more then a hour of running around doing nothing with. There PG games or what ever you all them Because they really aren't RPG's games because the R in RPG stand for Roll which mean dices, but then again they might have changed that to Role which sucks because if it wasn't for games like Dungons and dragons you woundn't have many of these games to begin with and yes I will fess up I did play D&D for many a years and now I play that only one of these new card games which I have gotten lost in I play Yu-gi-oh. I can't really get in to Magic which I tried when it first came out well really a few months after it came out. I got into it just around the time that the dark cards came out I bought a whole box at the time and then I just fell out of the game I couldn't get into it and ok yeah found it hard to play. to much stuff to make one move. I always got my butt kicked and I still get my butt Kicked at Yu-gi-oh, but this at least I have a better chance at winning and a good pull of the cards Hell I even have a few versions of the game on my computer just for fun and you know I win a few times. Now all this stuff goes why back to the beginning of time when someone first came up with the idea of making a board game and then back feather with the card game hey but at least we now have games to play enjoy them so turn off the tube and computers and go play a board games...
You shall not pass
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