Time to move on...
Ok so it's tusday and I was working on printing out a coupon first thing this morning online and I was having printer problems and I think the coupon is still suck in the buffer and it just wont print. Soi I went to the Librarbry to try and print it out there, but the coupon needed to down load some software to print it out and no public computer will let you down load sofeware on to them. So I was screwed there, so I went to office depot and spent 25buck on some ink and come home hooked up a second printer and printed out the coupon from a second account that I had to make up becuase I was at the limit from the other account and I never was able to get the coupon to print on the first printer. oh well in the end I was able to get my coupon for 10buck off and went to the store got my movie that was 26.99 down to 16.99 and then I spent 10buck on milk so I used the coupon basicly to buy my milk which is ok I would reather have the free 4 gallions of milk and a movie for 26.00buck instead of just a movie for 26bucks. I just hope it's a good movie. It's just one of those things you have to do because you have to have it no matter what you know the sad thing is that it's was a blu-ray and DVD combo, but there was no Digital copy which was the sad part I was hoping for a digital copy for my I-pod. I watch a lot of movies on that thing and I almost have way to much information cramded on to a 1tara drive I'm going to have to rest my I-tunes so I start to pull and down load things from the smaller 500gig drive. Of cousre I was thinking I should reset the whole thing anyway. Have my photos taken from the smaller 250 drive the Movies and T.V. shows from the 1 tara and then all the music from the 500gig and work on adding another drive just for the fun of it.
Made for T.V.
Ok so I was jumping around on the tube the other day and I saw that they where thinking about making and made for T.V. movie about this girl who killed her boyfriend in France and then was sent to jail and the amrican goverment couldn't really do anything but stand by and watch the whole show from side lines until what ever need to be done. The parents jumped back and forth from the U.S. and france and lost all kind of moneys and asked for help when ever they could. You know I jus find things like this in poor teast. You should never make money on something like this or even try and glamioris it. It's a sad thing that doesn't need to be put into the spot light. It's a sad thing and a tradgy that we really don't need to see or relive these days. Just think about what the people who lived through it, do you think they want there lives all over the tube, of couse then again they might need the money from the sale of there story to help pay for all the traviling and lawery fees. Yes how much is your life story worth or in this case part of it to make for T.V. I can't say of it's good or bad T.V. because I have no plain on watching it
You shall not pass
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