Have you ever done something by mail order and then watched it tracking as it moves across the country hopping that it get's here in time for the day that you need it because you where never afaid that at any mintues they will either lose it or that it is on back order and then when it get's to either the hub or the store that you sent it too for pick up because the shipping was free it's held up for another day. Well today was one of those days I was watching a packtage and say that it was at the store for pick up, but I would not beable to pick it up for another day no matter what i said or try, but lucky for me that was yeasterday and I needed the package today and I was sent and e-mail at 11:23 that is was ready for pickup even thoughtI know it was there yeasterday around 1:20 I had to wait almost another 24hours before I could pick it up which is not right why sent you a tracking notice if you can't pick it up for another day. for some of us it just suck expecaily if you have the shipping and pick up plained too a T. I have had it happened all to many a time where I have had things plained out and it all got shot down because something was shipped and I miscounted my days because of wither sunday or a holiday in the middle and what I was need more then a day late. which messed up what I was trying to do for someone spechail most of the time my wife, but hey it happens and I explain my way out of it and give her a picture of what it is in a box or something stupied like that.
Needless to say my day has been running around and not seeing a computer for most of the day so I don't have a lot excapte that Mail order is fun and with computers it get's more and more intresting because you can go to a store and order something and have it sent to you hhouse for free or you can be at home looking for something and have it sent to the store for free you just have to make the trip to the store no matter what is going on they just want you in there store so you can look at something and maybe buy something else at the sametime. The thing is to get you in the store, but after looking a web site for an hour and then ordering something the last thing i want to do is look around the store I was just looking at on-line. so remember there is always the thing of forget it you don't need it anyway so why bother with any oof the mess that it takes to get something through the mail. THere are way to many things that could wrong if it's something you need and it importen.
You shall not pass
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