The show on Showtime...
Ok so I was looking for something to watch last night and I have watch an program on Showtime called Bullshit.. and I believe I have talked about it before but this time I watch twodiffrent ones the first one was on the Death penatly which they where agaist. Now by now you should know that I'm all for it and Eye for an eye thing and they where there point of view was by doing so made us all murders. Guess what that is not true. they did it themself, but here has always been my question if we don't start to knock these guy off who is going to pay for them to stay in jail for the rest of there lives. You know if you are agiast it let me drop a bill off at your house that you must pay for the cost it takes to keep two just two people in prison month. You'll find out that it is a high price for these people to sit on there ass all day and do nothing because they kill someone and they are in life for prison. Now I made that sound a lot nicer then it really is and I know that, but that is neither here nor there look at it this way they are sent to prison. we now have to feed them and put cloths on there back let them play a few games like basket ball, ping pong and lift weights. We pay for all this stuff. now to add to that let's put in there landry and bathing needs so you add in there water for that and there soap for everything they need. ok now let's add in dishes to be cleaned. this is just a few things you pay for every month. Now you add in the securty people so now when your bill comes to you you know what you are paying for so if you say let's not knock them off you can pay to keep them alive and they can send my money else where like on the something a shit load more importen the school system, because I know someone just spent more then 200bucks on school supplies and almost none was on stuff like cloths for there kids, a lot of it was stuff she had to buy for the school. so look if you want to send people to prison for life guess what you get to pay for it, because I sure as hell don't want to pay for it. I'll pay to knock them off but I sure as hell don't want to pay to keep there evil ass alive in a place where I have to pay to keep them alive and they really don't have to do anything byond keep there own ass alive everyday and just sit on there ass in a room 7feet by 8feet made of concert doing nothing is the best way to do that. I mean hell they could read books all day/night long and learn all kind of crap and plain an excape so they can run around a kill more or head to another country where we can't get at them. You know we need to start knocking these people off. With new tech out there we can reopen each case for one last appeal with DNA to find out if they did it and if that come backs true start to walk them done to the death chamber, because it's time to go. An eye for and eye when it comes to murder for anything no matter what the reason is...
Ok now the second one was on the freedom tower. This is the building that is to take place of the two towers. right now it's been 9years and nothing had really been done, but when this show run four years ago which made it Five years after the towers came down and nothing had been done a committe had been formed a stupped contest was held to see who would design the new building and then that design wouldn't work they had to rework it and then when they went to start building it they found out they couldn't build it where they wanted it to built becaue it was over some road way and a truck full of eplosves could take it out when it drove under it. so they had to move it and the musum that was going show respect and rembrance for the day had to be taken down and rethought and was moved under ground where no one wanted it and the two reflecting pools that where going to be put in place where the foot prints of the toweers where are not going to happen and they are going to need to destory the foot prints to build the musum under ground where I'm sorry to say really is the last place you want to see where a bunch of people where crush/baried to death. Hey lets build a morrarl to them under ground good thinking here wouldn't you say. Ok so the high priced commite is getting paid big bucks to do almost nothing let's just say for 5 years because I have no idea what has been done now four years after the show ran, but I do know the part of the pentagon what was destoried is rebuilt, but I'm not going into that part, let's stay with what is being called ground zero where nothing but the clean up has been done and a commite has done almost nothing but screw everything up from day two.
Now let's get back to some money here. Ok so the high price commite is being paid and all the people that work for what ever the company that is trying to run the show is are getting paid as well good for them, but there are bussness that are going out of bussness because there is no bussness for them to get. One Pizza shop that was on this show has seen a drop of more then 40% sence they reopen and they are still droping. the owner has had to lay people off and is having a hard time making the rent on his place. this guy is going to go under unless these stupied commite can't go with the orginal plains and start work. it would save this guy in a matter of weeks. Get the reflecting pools started and get an above ground mussem going. let's show the world we can get are ass kicked and get back up. we haven't done that here, we fought back kind of , we still don't have the guy who did this because we are crawling around. we are not standing up. SO yeah Penn & Teller got this right. This is Bullshit, rebuild the towers the way they where. that is the best way to say screw you, we can rebuild and keep moving forward..
You shall not pass
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