Why did we create it..
Ok so it's been a long day as You know I'm a dad and I have kids well today was the first monday of a full school week and I wa not really ready for it. I'm tired as hell and I have forgoten how much energy it takes to do a full day like this. You know I must be getting old because I build the stage picture here and was never run down, but you know that just also might be not use to doing things like this right now when I get running and monday like today will be nothing to me. I'm just not use to it. I wish I was because I could find something goo to talk about but the olny think I can think of is that the VMA's were this weekend and Cher wore the outfit she had on in the video turn back time, but I don't think it was the orginal because her butt was covered more then it was in the video and trust me I looked at the video many a times when I was younger, But you knwo I don't watch the VMA's any more I watch very little awards show these day because they are just full of crap and not really worth watching way to much show and not enough enterment. It's just crap on top of crap and when it comes to M TV and VH1 awards stuff they just suck and always look to be a big mess. so I can't even stand to watch them and the music that is played live just suck to me I can't stand to watch it so I have no idea what to make of them I don't think they are worth watching anymore, but you know there are people out there what wants to watch that crap much like reallity TV and yeah I am one of the few that watch reality TV crap that are game shows the other stuff I can't stand I just see bitch and most of the time it rich people bitching about crap they don't need to, because us normal people are going what the hell are you bitching about I could just like to see something like that. so there you go but you know I really don't want to get on the bitchy rich people becuase it jsut piss me off that they would complane about some of the crap they bitch about. These people shouldn't even have a damn show in the first place. It's just crap on top of crap and I don't understand why this crap is on tv in the first place, but there must be a market for it out there becase people watch it and they keep going on and on and they find new spin offs and now city's to do it in. Look give me the advage guys life on tv and I might watch it but you know I don't think that would be all that intresting to me, because I like the contest show's because someone is going to win something in the end and someone goes home everyweek. the fun thing is to find out who is going home before the end of the show.. for now forget TV and go to bed.
YOu shall not pass
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