COntest to change it...
Ok so the other day I was running thorugh somethings and I found this artical that they are have to contest to change the face of the U.S. paper money. Now I think this is ok but they need to say with the classic look of the Pres. that is on the bill need to stay on the bill, that should never change no mater what is happening the people on our paper money are the people that made this country what it is and they desriver to be there, because they pour there lives into this country and in some case gave there lives for us. We don't need to change that. I saw that one of the things which I thought was cool was they where going with a up and down look and not the classic sideways like we have now. which I find intresting because most of fold our money and count it in the fold so I think it would work really well for most of us in that matter and then the second thing I saw that I was if'y about and have been for years is that they want to make things more colorful. they want to make each bill have it's own color so it look more like the people we fought to get away froms money. The British pound is very colorful and kind of intresting to look at and You know I think that could mnake for and intresting converstion when you ask someone it they have a change. intrested of asking if you could get a 10spot you ask if you could have an Orange spot or a purple spot for the 20. I would give a new meaning to the green back and you could also call for a Blue back which would be the 50 and red for the hundered and just don't know what to go for the 5, but hey maybe wwe can vote for that too. There are other ideas for things on the voteing board out there to.
You know changing the face of the U.S. bill is nothing new they have been doing that for years. I was watch the Show Pawn Stars and they had a guy bring in some bill form the 1880's which was education money. Basicly it was money that had art work on it that was sent out into the areas of the country where they would never see anything in a musum of art gallery. It was nice stuff it was all huge compared to what we have today. which I think is another thing we always need to keep in mind is the size of the money Lets's not change that I know it's been done a few times which is cool, but I think we have gotten to a size that works now, so let's keep that. I have seen a few of the older bills on Pawn stars from the earily part of the countries history and I have to say we had some small ass bills. they where some the size of the palm of your hand it was intresting to see and makes me want to go down to the pawn shop or find a real pawn shop not the crap I have around here and see it. A good Pawn shop is one that makes money on all front but it has history in it and I think that is what I like about watch the show Pawn stars you get to see some intresting thing that are very historical and you could learn something, but after a while you get to figure out what Rick is going to do on somethings just by what an expert says when they are called in and he does call in experst or goes and see's one more offten then you would think, so find a good one and try and watch it. It can be fun..
You shall not pass
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