1787- The constitution of the United States was Completed and signed by a majority of delegates attending the Constitutional Covention in Philadelphia.. So to get this staright there was not reall constitution for the first 11years of the country, because they didn't complete the document back in 1776. kind of makes you wounder what the country was really was running on, back then other then hey let's fight these people for our freedom but we got no idea what we are going to do if we win the fight, but we have a general idea of what we would like to see and do and here it is. Great plan if you ask me luckly there where only 200 of the document print after it was signed.
1862- the bloodiest battle day in U.S. history. Union forces fought Confederate invaders in the Civil war battle of Antietam in Maryland, More than 3,600 men were killed...-- so You know we finished the Constitution and then less then 100 years later we have the bloodiest battle in a civil war which is making us look stupied to the rest of the world great we are having fun know.
1920- The American Professional Football Association a precursor of the National football League was formed in Canton Ohio.. you see you never know what is going to happen a few years later after on of the booldest things in the history of the U.S. we get the start of the Football League and men have something to listen to on the radio and later T.V. but you know it's all in fun and beer, but you know I miss games like the Fog bowl and the Snow bowl. This games were so fun beacuse you couldn't see anything beyond three inches infront of your face and the screen on the T.V. was just a white screen and the adnoucers could just guess as to what was going on, on the field at the time, but it they where good games in the end. I bet many women hate this day in history because football went pro.
1939 Soviet Union invaded Poland during World war II more then two weeks aftere the Nazi Germany had lanched it's assault.. You know you have to feel bad for Poland first they get Germany pounding on them and then they get Soviet Union two weeks later and then for most of World War II they have people fighting in there streets even the small little out of the way towns. Got it has to suck into live in a fight fight almost 24hours a day. I know war is really dumb and we do it all the time but to be shot out by just stepping out of your house to try and go and get something from the store has to suck.. Oh wait what is L.A. with all the gangs in it. I remember that happening a few hundered I guess we never really learned anything after 40years..
1959 Ground breaking took place for Dodger Stadium in Los Angeles --- Who gives a shit baseball sucks.
1951 we jump back a few years then what ever happened in L.A. Elvira was born and the B-movies get someone to show there stuff off on late night T.V. which is fine because they needed someone to run those late night movies and I think she did a pretty good job for a while. Now that would make her 59 years old and she still has a nice looking chest and looks ok under all that make-up.
1960 Puppeteer Kevin Clash, a person to hunt down and kill because he play's the devil or Elmo on sesame street your choose I go with the devil personal I have never liked Elmo and I don't think I ever will he. I see the little citter talking evil little things in kids ears during the night on when he is on T.V. I just find him crappy. do let's go and get him with a pitch forks and torches tar and feathers. I already have the boiling oil to drop him in.
But you know all this history around us and we never really learn anything from it wither it's the birth of the devil or a second invastion of a poor little country, we need to think of where we are going because there is little to nothing we do anymore these's days we look at are past and think of new way to try and not repeat it, but we always find new ways to repeat it in a new way. Man do we suck or what. I don't ever think we will get past what we are and stop killing each other over stupied shit like what I believe one thing and you beileve another or I don't like what you said so you must die, or any of those other milloion things we have agaist one another. so humanity sucks and you know I don't think we should venture out in to the univers we just need to stay here on our little rock and destory one another it's what we are best at.
You shall not pass
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