I like it
You it's been rainig all day long today and I enjoy the rain one of the reasons I wanted to up here, the sad thing is I enjoy it way to much I like to do all kind of things in the rain and sometimes I enjoy it way to much so I end up way to wet, but today I just enjoyed sitting back and listingto it this afternoon that and my wifes snorning well she was asleep on the sofa. made for a nice afternoon. so I haven't had much of a time to even look for something that is in the news. I heared that there is a doctored photo of Obama and Mubarak but you know I son't really care i mean ther are so many doctored photo's of the Pres and other people I mean heel give me a few mintues and i'll make up one of me and the Pres or any other person in the world should not take me all that long. that said I don't have anything for you and I really wish I did I mean I can't even really talk about my picture of Pan because I didn't take it. When I was in London I forgot to go to hyde park and take it so when a friend of mine went a few years later she took it for me so you don't really get anything tonight which always piss me off I want to give you something to read and know about that is happening in the world today and I haven't seen or read anything for you and I just want to know where to go. I have been thinking about going on the racism card but you know I just don't want to go there tonight. and it is something that I have been wanting go on about because it's something i think about and buggs the shit out of me every time anyone one talks, because I find it stupped and that Black people bring it up more then anyone else and Chris Rock (the actor) is one of the bigest racest pigs in the world I can't stand the guy anymore these days and I if I ever come face to face with him in my life which I dought I will call him a races Pig to his face, because that is all I hear out of his mouth. Now when I do get around to it and I know I'm going to get shit for it and it will be raw and unthinking so I will not be carefull so take it will a tank load of salt because it is what is going throught my screwed up head at the time and when it comes to rasim I just can't stand it at all no mater who's mouth it is coming out of, but you know this is the U.S. and the first Admendment give you the right to say what you want and I don't have to like it and that is the same here I can say what I want and you don't have the right not to like it and say something back to me if you want and I will take it and listen to it, becuase you have that right and at times I want to know what you think and I know this can be a load topic or is a loaded topic so we'll see what happens when I get around to it, but for tonight relax go listen to the rain and have some fun becuase we are done here
You shall not pass
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