Book Two: Heading into the Valley
I ran down the hill side enter the valley with a renewed energy. I swung around trees, dragged my hand across bushes as I came down. I was moving faster and faster as I headed for the valley floor. The site of the valley had filled me with energy as I moved down towards it. I laughed lightly to myself as the smell of the forest filled my lungs with sweet smell’s as I swung around tress holding on to there trunks the bark felt good against my hands. The sound of owl’s, wolves and other animals in the forest combined with sounds of the water fall filled my ears. My eyes were adjusting as fast as they could as I moved down into the valley. I keep looking around to see what might have changed and the beauty of the valley.
As I came to the bottom of the hill I started to slow myself down. With the last couple of feet coming up before the ground leveled out I took a quick couple of strides and then jumped. I landed on flat even ground with a loud cracking sound. I fell to the ground and grabbed my right knee as a shot of pain ran up my thigh. Carefully I stood up straight and I closed my eyes again. I stood there listing to the forest Warrior, Opal and Anakin came down a few minutes behind me. The three of them found me standing still at the bottom of the hill.
“Isn’t this place great?” I said
Everyone turned to look over at me as I just stood there with my eyes closed. The three of them still had a look of shook and confusion on there faces. They had no idea where they where “Yeah just great.!?” Opal said in a sarcastic tone “Which way.
With my eyes closed I pointed off to the left “That way, down the path towards the river.”
Everyone looked off to the left, none of them could see the dirt path that lead down towards the river “What path Mr. McK?” Anakin said “I see nothing but dark forest.’ He looked around “How can you see anything in here. It’s so dark I can barely see three feet in front of me.”
I titled my head up and opened my eyes to look at the sky but say nothing but tree branches covering us. They where so dense you could barely make out the lighting sky “It must be getting close to dawn, that would be why my friend. I turned my head looking at the sky and saw a bird fly over head from tree to tree with out making a sound “The brighter the sky gets the darker the forest becomes until dawn is done, the light shall return to the valley.” I stopped turning “come we have little time left before you will not be able to see at all.” And I started down the path which I had indicated to earlier.
The forest was growing darker by the second and getting harder and harder to see in “Dawn is almost here.” I said “Hold hands everyone.” I stretched my hand back and felt Opals light touch. I smiled to myself as we made our way down the darkening path “We are almost there.” I said to easy everyone. The sound of the morning birds could be heard over head. The sound of the water pounding the rocks at the base of the water fall had become much louder.
Opal gave my hand a light squeeze ‘Why haven’t I ever seen this valley before Mac?” Her angle voice rang out softly in the darkness behind me.
“There it is!!” I smiled to myself and came to a stop I pulled everyone up to a stop beside me. They still couldn’t see more then a few feet in front of them “Oh sorry my dear.” I said and turned to look at her “This valley disappears at dawn. It is covered and become plains. Nothing, but all grass with a small stream running through it. At sunset it becomes the valley you saw up on the hill top, but once inside and down on the valley floor you stay in the valley.” I took a deep breath.
Opal looked up at me and released my hand. She took a couple of steps back and bummed into Anakin. Anakin looked down at Opal in surprise and then he looked up at me. With a quick move and a soft scrapping sound Anakin drew his sword. Opal quickly grabbed Anakins hand and pushed it and the sword down towards the ground trying to get him to relax. All the muscles in his hands and arm where tight as ready to right. “Mac what’s happening and are we trapped here?”
In the pitch blackness of the forest Opal and Anakin could not see anything but two green glowing eyes floating in mid-air. They looked straight at the two of them It was the only to things that anyone could see in the darkness that was still growing even dark “No we are not trapped in here. We can leave the valley at anytime. You just can’t return until sunset.” My voice rang out from all sides “You’ll have to give me a little time here. It’s almost dawn.”
“Mac your eyes are glowing bright green and your voice is coming from all around us.” Opal said still trying to push Anakin’s hand down “what’s going on with you?”
“Just a side affect of me, dawn and the valley floor.” My voice rang out “Come my dear.” I reached out and took her hand in the darkness. My touch was cold against her warm skin “There is nothing to fear my friend.” I said looking at Anakin “I’ll be normal again in a few hours.” I genially pulled Opal forward. With a little hesitation Opal followed me with Anakin still holding his sword and Warrior right behind her.”
“We walked down a small hill and back to ground level. I came to a stop a few seconds later. Reached my hand up I gave it a flex and it glowed dimly in the darkness. Slowly I moved my hand down in a straight line as if I was pressing against something. My hand stopped glowing and a low click could be heard. “Come inside, we can rest here, but be careful you’ll need to step up.” I stomped my foot on the floor “Wood floor.” I reached my hand out. Opal and Anakin looked around still unable to see anything, but the green eyes looking at them. Slowly they started to walk forward “Easy now.” I helped Opal up and when her feet hit hard wood floor I said “Take a few steps inside and stop, other wise you going to run into something.” Anakin followed right behind her “you might want to put the sword away. You could break a lamp or two.” I hearer the slow scraping of his sword and he put it back into his scabbard and then as he walked into Opal. Warrior came up and stopped just outside in front of me “I’m fine.” I said “Inside please and we will all be able to see a lot better.” Warrior walked past me and I hearer his feet walk on hard floor. I followed right behind me and once I had taken a few steps on the hard wood I turned and closed a door. I then walked around the room my foot steps were light as I moved away from the door. I turned to look back at everyone ‘Watch your eyes” my own glowing a little brighter “Light.” With a small crackle a fire started next to me lightly eliminating the room “Opps...” I stepped in front of what appeared to be a fire place “Chandler and walls please.” With a brilliant flash the room became bathed in soft candle light “Welcome my friend.”
As I came to the bottom of the hill I started to slow myself down. With the last couple of feet coming up before the ground leveled out I took a quick couple of strides and then jumped. I landed on flat even ground with a loud cracking sound. I fell to the ground and grabbed my right knee as a shot of pain ran up my thigh. Carefully I stood up straight and I closed my eyes again. I stood there listing to the forest Warrior, Opal and Anakin came down a few minutes behind me. The three of them found me standing still at the bottom of the hill.
“Isn’t this place great?” I said
Everyone turned to look over at me as I just stood there with my eyes closed. The three of them still had a look of shook and confusion on there faces. They had no idea where they where “Yeah just great.!?” Opal said in a sarcastic tone “Which way.
With my eyes closed I pointed off to the left “That way, down the path towards the river.”
Everyone looked off to the left, none of them could see the dirt path that lead down towards the river “What path Mr. McK?” Anakin said “I see nothing but dark forest.’ He looked around “How can you see anything in here. It’s so dark I can barely see three feet in front of me.”
I titled my head up and opened my eyes to look at the sky but say nothing but tree branches covering us. They where so dense you could barely make out the lighting sky “It must be getting close to dawn, that would be why my friend. I turned my head looking at the sky and saw a bird fly over head from tree to tree with out making a sound “The brighter the sky gets the darker the forest becomes until dawn is done, the light shall return to the valley.” I stopped turning “come we have little time left before you will not be able to see at all.” And I started down the path which I had indicated to earlier.
The forest was growing darker by the second and getting harder and harder to see in “Dawn is almost here.” I said “Hold hands everyone.” I stretched my hand back and felt Opals light touch. I smiled to myself as we made our way down the darkening path “We are almost there.” I said to easy everyone. The sound of the morning birds could be heard over head. The sound of the water pounding the rocks at the base of the water fall had become much louder.
Opal gave my hand a light squeeze ‘Why haven’t I ever seen this valley before Mac?” Her angle voice rang out softly in the darkness behind me.
“There it is!!” I smiled to myself and came to a stop I pulled everyone up to a stop beside me. They still couldn’t see more then a few feet in front of them “Oh sorry my dear.” I said and turned to look at her “This valley disappears at dawn. It is covered and become plains. Nothing, but all grass with a small stream running through it. At sunset it becomes the valley you saw up on the hill top, but once inside and down on the valley floor you stay in the valley.” I took a deep breath.
Opal looked up at me and released my hand. She took a couple of steps back and bummed into Anakin. Anakin looked down at Opal in surprise and then he looked up at me. With a quick move and a soft scrapping sound Anakin drew his sword. Opal quickly grabbed Anakins hand and pushed it and the sword down towards the ground trying to get him to relax. All the muscles in his hands and arm where tight as ready to right. “Mac what’s happening and are we trapped here?”
In the pitch blackness of the forest Opal and Anakin could not see anything but two green glowing eyes floating in mid-air. They looked straight at the two of them It was the only to things that anyone could see in the darkness that was still growing even dark “No we are not trapped in here. We can leave the valley at anytime. You just can’t return until sunset.” My voice rang out from all sides “You’ll have to give me a little time here. It’s almost dawn.”
“Mac your eyes are glowing bright green and your voice is coming from all around us.” Opal said still trying to push Anakin’s hand down “what’s going on with you?”
“Just a side affect of me, dawn and the valley floor.” My voice rang out “Come my dear.” I reached out and took her hand in the darkness. My touch was cold against her warm skin “There is nothing to fear my friend.” I said looking at Anakin “I’ll be normal again in a few hours.” I genially pulled Opal forward. With a little hesitation Opal followed me with Anakin still holding his sword and Warrior right behind her.”
“We walked down a small hill and back to ground level. I came to a stop a few seconds later. Reached my hand up I gave it a flex and it glowed dimly in the darkness. Slowly I moved my hand down in a straight line as if I was pressing against something. My hand stopped glowing and a low click could be heard. “Come inside, we can rest here, but be careful you’ll need to step up.” I stomped my foot on the floor “Wood floor.” I reached my hand out. Opal and Anakin looked around still unable to see anything, but the green eyes looking at them. Slowly they started to walk forward “Easy now.” I helped Opal up and when her feet hit hard wood floor I said “Take a few steps inside and stop, other wise you going to run into something.” Anakin followed right behind her “you might want to put the sword away. You could break a lamp or two.” I hearer the slow scraping of his sword and he put it back into his scabbard and then as he walked into Opal. Warrior came up and stopped just outside in front of me “I’m fine.” I said “Inside please and we will all be able to see a lot better.” Warrior walked past me and I hearer his feet walk on hard floor. I followed right behind me and once I had taken a few steps on the hard wood I turned and closed a door. I then walked around the room my foot steps were light as I moved away from the door. I turned to look back at everyone ‘Watch your eyes” my own glowing a little brighter “Light.” With a small crackle a fire started next to me lightly eliminating the room “Opps...” I stepped in front of what appeared to be a fire place “Chandler and walls please.” With a brilliant flash the room became bathed in soft candle light “Welcome my friend.”
So by now has any body been able to put any of this mess together and think it's any good.. I hope so and I would like to think I have you keep coming back for more plus I'm hoping to have more of book three for you sometime soon. If you have any question of want to know more about something or even want to read more of something I have writen out jusr let me know.
You shall not pass..
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