The four of us slowly walked through the forest. We we're all pretty tired and could use a good nights sleep, but we thought it best to press on tile at dawn. The mornining dew was starting to form on everything. It blanlked us as we keeped moving at a hesty pace we we're trying to keep. Even in the dark night you could make out the edge of the valley and the river that winded and twisted it's way throught it. I came to a stop and looked over the darkned valley. I was pictureing what it looked liked in the day light. How green it was, the clear blue water of the river. I closed my eye's and started to listen for the water fall that I knew was not far from here, as the others came up behind me.
I relexed and listed and let the smell of the valley floor come up to me. All of it startedto engulme. I heared thesound of the waterfallingover the edge of themile high cliff andin my minds eye I could see it smashing down on the rocks below. THe fish swimming around those rocks. The smell of the tress and bushes filled my moistrals as I took in a deep breath. The oak, redwood and pine mixed together in with the berries and grass that covered the valley. The eind that flowed throught the valley came to me as of to wish me a welcome home. I stood there and let it flow around me. The feel of the cool wind was something I though I might never feel again. Everything came to me and I just stood there and reaveled in it. The sounds, the smell's, sight's, feeling that came to me we're ones that I was not use to but I knew that in this place above all others I could fell a bit of peace.
Opal's angles voice broke the trangle of peace that I had fallen into "Look there." she pointed off to the left "A village." she said.
With my eye's still closed I breath in deep. I in halded much of the valley combing smell's and freash air I could "I know." I said exhailed slowly "we should be able to rest there for the day." I opened my eye's "come on my friends let's go." I started into the valley with renewed straitgh as I headed for the village.
Anikin, Opal and Warrior watched as I almost bounced down into the valley. A looking of suprise was acroos all three of there faces. Anikin and Opal looked over at Warrior who was still watching me as I disappeared into the fullage. When he felt Anikins and Opals stairing at him he looked at them "what!?!" he lefted his hands and srugged his shoulders " I don't know." Warrior pointed down the hill to where I had disappeared "He must be losing it. Come on let's go after him." Warrior, Opal and Anikin started dowm the hill side after me. The three od them started to secend into the tree covered valley mush slower then I was,
Sorry everyone but that will have to be it tonight two writen pages witch turns into to about a page and a touch of typed stuff, but it's been a very very long day I need a hand full of asprin and a good nights sleep which I know it's going to come but hey I got to try. sorry again I know you and I wanted more out of this for tonight in a story line. I'll try and make it up to you, and that would be what the secord of third one I need to make up to you as for story writings go, but at least with this being short you can get on with you the rest of you day.
You shall not pass
I liked it! Very descriptive.