They are coming...
There is nothing more scarey then a car full of stuffed animals they are plain to take over the world and it all started back when they came up with the demon known as elmo. He has taken over from Barney. Where Barney failed the little red demon is still working and working hard because he works with littler kids. He stay's up at night talking in you little ones ear till him to do bad things to mommy and daddy to make us nut's and take are sanity away so the stuff animals of the world can take over so we need to be scared of what stuff animals are in the white house and those of the senante and house because if they have the little red deamon in it we are in big trouble. Look at the past 8years well bush was in office look at all the trouble we got in well in with clinton we had now. so let's just watch what stuffed animls go into the white house these days. because they could be controling the plant and everything that is happening to us these day and we all know that there new leader is the little red demon know a elmo he is out to take us all out and I'm willing to be that there are more in the houses that we don't know about he is everywhere and him might look cute and fuzzy but I know his is not.With the help of every other stuff animals they are going to take over there mind control the the bigger the stronger the hold. excapt for the little red demon. He is all powerful when he get's hold of you are doomed byond doomed there is not helping you excapt to destory it and hope that it's hold breaks because sometimes there is to much damage that you will never return to normal. they are out there and they are comming they are going to try and take over the world. Yes we keep making a bigger and bigger army for they and we keep them in are house because we don't think they are dangrous but i'll telling you They are trying to take over and they will one day you just watch once we have made to many of them they will not beable to stop them. They will take over the world and we will be nothing but a footnote in the history of the plant...
Ok now the music news...
So I read/saw that Mariln Manson took of his make up and put on jersy. He looks like a bad rapper from the from New York I'm afaird to see what a full body picture of him looks like. I think he should put the make up back on. Much like the guy's of Kiss did, they looked a lot better and it made them a lot more intresting. Now that Manson has taken off his make-up are we going to get a reality show called life with Manson or something like that. I hope not because in truth what is the point of there reality show. I get no enjoyment of shows like Family gews with Gene Simon, or Little people in a big world, or dang ok this Kate plus 8 and this really stupied 19 and counting. mean come on guess give me a break. I can see the reality game show like Big Brother and road roads these are game guy trying to do what ever they can so a reality show on some crazy ass person in music or trying to have a reguler life I don't see. Hell pay me to be on T.V. and I'll give you some really cool stuff to watch and hell you'll hear my opion on a few thousand things. I'll give you rants left and right soon shit you would never thing I could go off and on I'm talking about some really dum shit not this crap that i can never come up with, SO did you hear that there are new Pictures of Marilyn Manson with out his make up on. Man does he look butt ugly. He looks like he could a drug dealer you could found in the back streets of L.A. I mean come on he took two of the best and woesrt thing out there and put them together so formm himself guess what he can't change what he as made back to what he was. He's ugly as sin with out his make up. Now he wasn't any really prise with it on, but at least he looked a hell of a lot better and it was someone you might want to talk to or run away from...
Ok now nothing new here But the great steven Tylor is going to be a judge on Amican Idol the new thing is that his bands isn't happy about it. Nothing new there. I mean come on would you be happy if your lead singer drop you for a smaller and more high profile gig with out you. I mean come on he might not be the great man I thought he was if he's going to do something like this. Yeah I think it is a bad move for him and the band. Now Aerosmith hasn't really done anything in a few years and there last record was not something all that a matter of fact wasn't there last album a greatest hit's ablum and that was a two disc thing more then 5years ago. so they need to come out with something new or find away to retire and tell the world that they are no longer making music, but then again I'n still upset over the fact they cut/air brushed steven off the cover off Be Cool. The next movie after Get shorty. I wish I still had the orginal flier/poster with him on it. It would be worth a bit of money just like the orginal Movie poster I say and had in my hands for Revenge of the Jedi. I still kick myself in the butt when I think about it. the bloody thing only cost 6pounds which turns into about 10bucks. Ok now back to Steven on Idol. Why do something like this. Not a great movie in my opion . What is he how is he going to be a judge of thing yeah I know he's been in the music buzy for more then fourty years now, but come on he is not one for making the best disscions on who to sing with I mean they sang with britteny Spears for crying out loud. Not a great movie in many peoples opion. Ok so let's hope he can do something right here. I just wish he wouldn't do it and go back to making music. then again they are all geting old..
You shall not pass
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