For some the most importen month of the year has just started. the Fight for humanity now begins the question is do we think they have the right to go on. The sad answer to the question is yes. The human races now mater how stupied has the right to choose there own end and not have it put apond something or someone else. Humanity my be stupied and fear everything that they come in contect with but they have a right to choose how they go out. In the end everything dies and humanity is one of those things so for the next month or so the fight/protechtion of humanity starts untill the day of the dead has pasted then all will be close to being back to normal and the main line of humans will never know what has happened, but there is nothing new there this has been going on for just under 2000years like it always has and in some case the protection of humanity has not always gone as well as it should have, but in todays world it goes a lot earzier then it has in the last let's just say 700 years give or take a decade or two. You never know what is going to happen in the great month of October and you will never know what you will not see this coming month. it's just a great feeling for me because I can just feel it all around me and all that happen both the pro's and con's that happen and here in the north west the changes are a little more well felt then anywhere else in the state excapt maybe in Louisiana one of the few states that I'm not really all that welcome in but that is a story for another time maybe.
More Potter...
So there is a video clip on the web of Opra talking to J.K. and in it she say she could write a 8th 9th and 10th books, but the story was finished for her. Which means for most of us that the orginal rumors are true and we most likly with never see another book on Harry Potter again which is for the most part on Just kind of wish she would write something else. J.K. is a good writer even if Harry Potter really is the only thing I have ever seen from her. I do have the other three books that are out there but just haven't really read them all the way though.I know at one point I start a thing on Harry Potter and went through the first book and I was plaining on on and spoiling the rest of the other books and giving out my opinion on them. I just haven't gotten around to it and you know I maynot, but then again with all that I have one of these nights when I don't have something I think that would be a good place to good. Talking about a book that is now over 10years old.
Sign Replacment..
Ok so let's spend money on street signs. In New York it is mandated that all street signs are to be replaced by 2018 because they need to have both cap and lower case letter, because they are faster to read. You know I don't disagree with this, but at the same time the upper case lettering is more earier to see both durning the day just on the fact they are a large type. So they are going to spend more then 150 bucks persign and replace them all and in a place like New York city that is a butt load of signs that need to be changed and not just your normal street sign of W 30TH street to W 30 St. so let's spend the money and do it because they need to be done and the new ones will be more reflective at night too by the way. Hey it's a good way to spend money don't you think and it will put a person or two to work for a few months or so what do you think should we do it in all states and cities just because it will be fun think of all the new work the Imates will have to do for the next year or so one prison in each state get to make all the sign and the only thing that we have to pay for it the matterals on this one and maybe a few modifactin to an licance plate factory which we aready have...l
I am the Darkness my dear friend
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