We want it all the Time....
So here in the U.S. and I would like say most of the world we can drink and eat pretty much when ever and what ever we want but when you have two cups of reguler coffee in the morning and then have a six shoot expresso in the middle of the afternoon I would guess that you would start to feel the affect of things most of the night and you could losse control of your hands and you would be up all night, you would ge one hell of a headack and trust me the side affects are going to be something else. You know one thing I have learned about men is there are many bio logical ways to make then sleepy and one of then is feed then turkey and a lot of it, but you know it is fun thing is to try it at least once but make sure you have a plain to do something or want to be up all night way out of control because you can't sit still or even control you hands let alone anything else coffee may be a drug that is way to much fun to play with and even enteraining to watch people who have had way to much of it freak out, but you know if your the person on it it's not al lot of fun. guess what I'm going to find out what its going to be like because I have had a little to much today and I keep pouring more and more on it with the fact that for some stupied reason I keep drinking Pepis on top of it is really sad I need to stop drinking stuff and I'm sorry to say it making the mind race faster then I can think and all I get is coffee is bad and coffee is bad and all at the same time I know coffee is really good I like the stuff and enjoy the stuff I want more and need more just not tonight because I'm starting to speed up. you know when you start to get nervice and start to shake think of that in your hand and working themselvies up you arms and into the rest of your body working down from your chest in to the rest of your body. so it's sad to say I'm done for right now i need to try and if a way short this as fast as I can so now you have the rest of the night to try what I'm going to go through, but I don't recomenned it to mcuh coffee can be a good thing.
I am the darkness dear my friend
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