Last night...
So yeasterday the Pres. was giving a speech at a forbes womans dinner of some kind when during speech the Pres seal on the stand fell off. I watched this Video on the web a couple of times and found it funny as hell and he play it off really cool. He made fun of it and just kept on going. It was great. You know one of the comments I heard about this insedent was the fact he was a people Pres. You could talk to the guy if you need to he's a very confortable person. He would appear to be human not like some of the power mad people we have had in the past or the drone that we get sometimes the really poltitions. right now the Pres is just being a reguler person for now. I mean for now he is a person once he been in the job for more then two year may be even longer I can see him becoming what we usally see from a Pres. I hope not but it could be and most likly something that will happen. in the end the presure of the job gets to them and they turn into the mindless thing that we are use too or the discontected thing that is the Pres. There are many things that happen over the years a person is the the head office just start to turn grey in the first two years, but once again that is the presure of the job and most people have little how much pain they are in for when they take the job, so as long as he can keep it and take a few laughs when possable he should take it..
The day...
You know really I don't have anything beyond that for today other then that I went out to try and get the coast of my Cable bill down a little I mean I still pay to much for it but in the end I got more stuff for a cheaper price I'm not so sure it was the best move because now I have to watch the bill a little closre then I want to make sure everything is what it should be I can see it being a long a painfull couple of months in my future, but hey if I get away with it cool, but well see what happens.
I am the darkness my friend
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