The T.V. starts..
Ok we can forget everything else that is on the tube now. It's Hockey time just sit back and relax with a big bowl of popcorn, which you can get from your local cub scout pack, and watch hours on end of Hockey because it's here and we all know there is nothing better then watch a hockey with you family on a nice cool night and eating popcorn so I'll almost nothing no say when it's time for some hockey and that is kind of sad. I watch way to much but no where near enough Hockey. It's a great sport and it never get boaring for me. I have watch gaves intel two in the morning it was a great game and I would do it again in a mintue, but then again that was many many years ago and I was a lonely young guy still in college and had nothing to do the next morning. Still it doesn't mean I wouldn't still stay awake until two in the morning to watch a game or three. Hell they have to do it on the east coast if they want to even think about watching a game from the west coast. and You know we have some great games. like the battle for Albreta and then fight for L.A. between the Duck and Kings. of cousre there are great fights on the east coast to, but they get to watch them all the time and so do we and we get some good triple headers that way to because they can have a game on at one in the afternnon which is like 10am hear then we get the four o'clock game which is one here and them we get the 8 o'clock game which is the game on this side of the state, but if you real look at hing you can have like 6 games on to be watching if you have a PIP on your T.V. because we have one and three and 5 o'clock games this would be a real dream for someone like me. I can hide out in the bed room and watch it all day long with a little camp stove and frig to make things to eat all day long as I sit there and whitch the games.
Hey you know it's hockey season when in Chicago an ice sculputer of the Standly Cup appears on the street and no one knows where it came from. As the defending champs the Blackhawks open the season on the Air tonight agaist the Avalance in Colorado. Foour of the Ice scuplters where seen around town today in the windy city it was a great stunt for anyone to pull off and it was even greater that it took most of the day before the people who did it came close to fuessing up to doing it but it was a great adventer, now let's cut this short because the game is on and I do want to try and watch it it..
I am the darkness my dear friend
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