This is today...
You know this is the day in which you look for some peace and quite the weekend is coming and it's a mess and what do you get a half sick kid that doesn't want to go to school and another one that starts talking the minute they get up in the morning so you know it's been a long day just to begin with and you get some meds in to the sick one and get it off to school and then you finally get the other one off to school, but just as you get ready to sit down for that quite time of landry and cleaning house when the phone rings and then sick one is not really good and they want you to come and get them, so you have to run out get the sick one from school and then come home and do all the thing you need to do with a little winpering about not feeling well guess what it's not been a good day and this is all before noon, you still have the second have of your day to go. Guess what it's not a good day to be me..
So what Happened today...
Co-host leave the view today well talking to Bill O riely you know they didn't really do the right thing but at the sametime the wrong thing. Let's just take a second and see what happened, ok so now after seeing what happend I can say well stupied is what stupied is and this once again is what people do don't listen to what someone has to say completely. you have to listen to everything someone has to say before jumping in on it and here you can see that. They never let him complete what he was trying to say and that is the problem with a lot of things and people you never completely hear what they have to say you hear the first part and jump on it you don't wait tell everything is said and in some cases cleaned up because sometimes what is said needs to be reworded so it doesn't sound stupied like it did when it first came out of there mouth and even they know it didn't sound go so they are trying to fix what they said before it gets blown all out of proprtion like this did. They never let the guy finish what he was trying to say even with asking the right questions he was not allowed to answer what they where asking so you need to listen and hear everything they have to say before you go off on them and trust me I am as quilty as anyone when it comes to just hear onething and going off on that look at what I do here pick a piece and go off on it and I don't know the whole story and it's up to you to tell me I'm wrong and guess what I'll not list and still say shit about it.
I am the darkness my friend
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