Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Frankly what...

It might be cold...

Ok first and second and more importen, for me anyway who gives a shit. Ok the miners in Chile after 69days are finaly out after 22 1/2hours to get all 33 of them out yeah they are alive and out of the hole, but you know in this case I can really say so what, who gives a shit. I mean when the country was hit by a huge earthquick we didn't give a shit why should be give a shit now. I mean they lost lives in the earthquck and we just brushed it off so why should we care about 33 people traped in the mine. Now I know that might be a little cold, but you know we did give a shit when half the country fell down around there ears, so why should be care when 33 people get trapped in a mine for 69days. I mean really come one there were people trapped under rubble longer then that when the earthquck happened and we heared almost nothing about that when it happened thousands of people lost there lives in a earthquck that rocked and rolled the country we heared almost nothing about it because we looked to Haiti which of couse destoried half of that country and we sprented down there hell we got the conncort out of moth balls and loaded it with people and supples and were down there in less then five mintues after of it happend where when chile was hit with a big earthquick we wwent oh ok how nice. we never talked about it we never heared about it so why in the world should be give a shit about 33guys who got trapped in a hole for 69days and are finaly out. Yeah it's a great humanitern story and it's great they got out a live and what not, but you know I don't think it needs to take up the news every mintue of the day I mean hell it's not even in the country so really who gives a shit or at least give me one reason besides the human factor to care I mean we didn't care when the country was hit by an earthquick so there goes your human factor right out the window. Thousands of people died and we didn't really do anything to help out or have it on the news here so the human factor is done on that point, so give me another reason to care about these 33 people being recured after 69days and 22 1/2 hours to get all of them out...

NFL Breast Cancer..
Now give me a second on this one I need to type this right, because I can't get the copy and paste to work.
Former NFL Quarterback Tim Hasselback said that the new footballs featuring the a breast Cancer Logo Awareness Ribbion have been a "disaster " for the league.
Speeking to a talk radio show the current ESPN analyst said he texted numerours quarterbacks in the league who have complained about the slickness of the new balls.
They are plain with these breast cancer awarness balls. These balls are right out of the bag Hasselback explained"Now they get slick --I texted a couple quarterbacks during the game. They all said "these balls have been a disaster." so I think that is something to note.
The balls are part of an NFL's month long awareness campaign called "A crucual catch" which is focused on the importance of an annual screening for women. they have been in use for two week.
Ok that took way to long to type out but you had to see what they are tring to say, and excuse to say that can't play football with a new ball, buess what now is not the time to say anything just shut the hell up and use the ball this is more importen then anything else in the world screw the guy's in the mine. Breast cancer is a big thing around the world and awarness is one thing that well all need to help promo very young women needs to know about it and if your an older women you don't know now is the time to learn, because you should know by now how importen something like this really is to everyone and not just to women and for an NFL quarterback to say anything expecaliy that it is a disaster is a really messed up thing and they should be given a mamagram so they know what it fells like and if there real complent is that they are new balls then what about the beginning of the year don't they get new balls then two. to me this is more bullshit then I have ever hear. look own up to it and do something right for a change you over paid winiers. I hate to say it but for the most part I am speechless on this beyond the fact you need find away to make these balls work and find away to make an appoligy to the breast cancer people, you blummbering idito (oh and by the way Tim is the Husband to Elisabeth on the view) so just think about what that house is going to be like tonight
I am the darkness dear friend

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