OK so now let's look at the politics that we have or for the most part the people we put in charge of the country and I don't mean the Pres. for the most part he is trying to do what he thinks is right for the country and the people who live in it and in some cases he has to work on saving the world which is not right the U.S. should not worry about the world that is not we are here for we don't control everyone else which is the big problem Now I want to look at the people we put in office every two years the people who do more damage to this country then anyone else the seante and house. the morrons that screw us everychance they get to put as much money in there bank accounts or bed matters. Look the big bussness run this country with the money they can throw at the hill and how much money they can get back in there tax excmptions so you look at it this way we the people are dumm enough to put these people in a place to over us to destory the way we live. now we need these people to help make this a better country but in the most paert they don't do that they fight and argue all the time over the things that are good for us on how to pay for it, which is ture they need to find the money but at the same time they need to look at where are money is going. we send these people to help run this country and it takes more then 400dollors to buy a single hammer anymore these day, it is scarey because that is a hammer I wounder how much we pay for tolit paper and some of the other things that make this country go. Look if we are going to put these people in office and they are going to run it like a bussness I think we need to have them start paying for things themself if they want a thing of paper they need to go and buy it from the store with there own money. They all need to start running there offices like they where there own bussness and have there book looked at every six months by the IRS or someone like that. We need to know where all the money is going and what they are doing with it. If they go on a trip to Spain then we need to know how much they are spending and how they are spending it I mean if we are in that big of a mess money wise and everyone is looking to us to fix it we need to start with the people we pay to the run the country they spend more money on stupied shit they anyone else. Now Yeah we can comple that the auto Pres rent a private plane to go and tell the country they are going bankrupe but think of all the money they spend just to write something out and sent it off to be shot down in a vote. which is fine but think of all the riders we could evode and the shorter some of the bills that were put on the table would be if they had to pay for there own paper, but then again it just might push the nation to head to a little more diggy with it laws or the things that they want passed. we are looking at a complete and very expencive or hall of the nations system a stand alone network. No out out side phone system but a complete building networked together so. you can send and recive on it but you can't send out of the build or recive from out side of it. You can type and look at all the laws you want to pass and when a law dose come get passed they can print it out using our money to have the Pres sign it. but untill then it's data file on the computer system inside the sente. that is one way we could cut things down and like I said you want to save money look at how much the people we elect make off the books in donations to fake packes or what ever they can fine. they make million on million from the private high priced sector to make laws go the way they want to so they get what they want or to stop some crazy ass bill that would help[ million of people but cost then a few thousand a month for things liek heath care and roads porject and paying for war. Look each person we put in an office we need to be able to see any and all money they get and spend and who is giving it to them. IF the NRA pays for a weekend for one of the people we put in office we should see how much they are spending on that person and the people thay take with them. At the end of the trip an invoce of somekind should be given to the american people so we know how much a private organation paided on of our works to go on a weeked trip. we may not have a great system, but it's one I think we need to get a little more control over if we want to make it a great system, because anyone with deep pockets can buy there way in and do what they need to with knowing the right person and the right money.. so let's ask for the bill when someone comes back from a holoiday to make sure we didn't pay for they did...
I am the darkness my dear friend
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