Look pictures of the tri-sword and yes I know what is he thinking a story on monday night when there is so many other things happening in the world. Like the Pres of the U.S. calling my house and yes he did to run an add for one of the people running for office and yeah I know it was a recording but at the same time it was the Pres of the U.S. which i thought in it's selff was cool, but yes I found a small little thing that I wanted to try and write out earier today and sence I had it writen out I thought I would use it tonight as the Rant because you reallu haven't had a story in over a week now so here is something small and simple, but look it's pictures of the Tri-sword isn't cool?
Book two: After the Fight..
Anikin walked over to me as I lay down in the muddy street. The rain had gotten a little heavier then the light mist it was. Anikin spun his sword up and jabbed it down into the ground beside me. I rolled over on to my stomach as Anikin bent down to look me over “You know this is going to have to come through.” He said looking over the arrow sticking out of my back. Anikin Grabbed the shaft of the arrow with his right hand “You ready for this?”
“Wait…” I thought about this really fast and where the arrow was positioning in my lower back. I could feel the tip of the arrow right at my spin. If Anikin pushed it through he would back my spinal column “You can’t push it through I can feel the tip at my spine, you are going to have to pull it back out and hope that it’s not bard.”
“You sure about this?” Anikin asked not sounding happy about it, but he knew it was also the right thing to do. I nodded my head and Anikin changed his grip on the shaft of the arrow and took a deep breath “One three…” I braced myself “One…” Anikin placed his other hand on my back “Two...” He tighten his grip on the arrow shaft “Three…” and he pulled the arrow straight up and out of my back as fast as he could to case as little pain as possible. Once the arrow was completely out, Anikin started to look it over. “Well it is not bard, but it might be poisoned?”
As Anikin pulled the arrow out of my back I clenched my hands in pain. Once the arrow was completely out I let out the breath I was unknowing holding “ouch!!!” I said quietly “That hurt.” I steadied my breathing and turned on my side to look at Anikin “poison huh, well I should be alright.” Anikin looked at me “Even as a young kid I was immune to most poisons. Oh man that is smart.” And I rubbed my lower back where the arrow had been. I felt the warmth of my own blood against my figures “Oh man... Anikin, would you touch my back please?”
“Sure” Anikin knew that his touch would cauterize the wound close and stop any bleeding. He reached over and placed his hand on top of the arrow hole. The affect was imamate with a sound of sizzling the arrow hole was cauterized closed and the bleeding had stopped "there you are all fixed.” He pulled his hand away and in place of the bleeding hole was a nice simple burn mark on my lower back “That should heal in a couple of days.’
I rolled over and lied flat on my back in the muddy street. The rain was starting to get heavier I grounded in light pain and laughter “Oh I hope I make it through this.” I said looking up at Anikin.
Anikin looked at me “You well Mr. McK. You will.” He patted me on the chest and stood up “come one get up.” He reached a hand down to help me get up. I reached up and grabbed Anikin’s hand. As he started to pull I started to sit up and bring my feet under me, but not to any surprise my legs where not responding. Anikin looked down at me when he saw that I was only up to a sitting position “Oh Three.” And he gave a hefty pull. Anikin pulled as hard as he could and I came up off the ground. I stretched out my arm as Anikin ducked and wrapped an arm around my waist. My arm landed across Anikin’s shoulder as he stood back up. He was now standing holding me up as well “Well I hop you can walk soon Mr. McK because I would hate to carry you.”
I smiled at “Yeah me too. Come on let’s get in the bar, I could use a drink.”
“Are you sure?” Anikin said looking me draped over his shoulders.
“Anikin my friend” I said “The bars floor can no nothing to me right now.” I paused to think and looked at him ‘The worst it can do is heat me up internally unless I touch it with some bare part of my body.” And we both shook our heads knowing that would be bad “Now come on let’s go inside.”
‘Let’s go then.” Anikin said ‘don’t you mean up mule.” We both laughed ‘Remember you can’t walk.” Anikin started to walk back down the street towards the bar dragging me along for the ride.
“Wait…” I thought about this really fast and where the arrow was positioning in my lower back. I could feel the tip of the arrow right at my spin. If Anikin pushed it through he would back my spinal column “You can’t push it through I can feel the tip at my spine, you are going to have to pull it back out and hope that it’s not bard.”
“You sure about this?” Anikin asked not sounding happy about it, but he knew it was also the right thing to do. I nodded my head and Anikin changed his grip on the shaft of the arrow and took a deep breath “One three…” I braced myself “One…” Anikin placed his other hand on my back “Two...” He tighten his grip on the arrow shaft “Three…” and he pulled the arrow straight up and out of my back as fast as he could to case as little pain as possible. Once the arrow was completely out, Anikin started to look it over. “Well it is not bard, but it might be poisoned?”
As Anikin pulled the arrow out of my back I clenched my hands in pain. Once the arrow was completely out I let out the breath I was unknowing holding “ouch!!!” I said quietly “That hurt.” I steadied my breathing and turned on my side to look at Anikin “poison huh, well I should be alright.” Anikin looked at me “Even as a young kid I was immune to most poisons. Oh man that is smart.” And I rubbed my lower back where the arrow had been. I felt the warmth of my own blood against my figures “Oh man... Anikin, would you touch my back please?”
“Sure” Anikin knew that his touch would cauterize the wound close and stop any bleeding. He reached over and placed his hand on top of the arrow hole. The affect was imamate with a sound of sizzling the arrow hole was cauterized closed and the bleeding had stopped "there you are all fixed.” He pulled his hand away and in place of the bleeding hole was a nice simple burn mark on my lower back “That should heal in a couple of days.’
I rolled over and lied flat on my back in the muddy street. The rain was starting to get heavier I grounded in light pain and laughter “Oh I hope I make it through this.” I said looking up at Anikin.
Anikin looked at me “You well Mr. McK. You will.” He patted me on the chest and stood up “come one get up.” He reached a hand down to help me get up. I reached up and grabbed Anikin’s hand. As he started to pull I started to sit up and bring my feet under me, but not to any surprise my legs where not responding. Anikin looked down at me when he saw that I was only up to a sitting position “Oh Three.” And he gave a hefty pull. Anikin pulled as hard as he could and I came up off the ground. I stretched out my arm as Anikin ducked and wrapped an arm around my waist. My arm landed across Anikin’s shoulder as he stood back up. He was now standing holding me up as well “Well I hop you can walk soon Mr. McK because I would hate to carry you.”
I smiled at “Yeah me too. Come on let’s get in the bar, I could use a drink.”
“Are you sure?” Anikin said looking me draped over his shoulders.
“Anikin my friend” I said “The bars floor can no nothing to me right now.” I paused to think and looked at him ‘The worst it can do is heat me up internally unless I touch it with some bare part of my body.” And we both shook our heads knowing that would be bad “Now come on let’s go inside.”
‘Let’s go then.” Anikin said ‘don’t you mean up mule.” We both laughed ‘Remember you can’t walk.” Anikin started to walk back down the street towards the bar dragging me along for the ride.
Well that was intresting and fun and can you think the Pres of the U.S. called me tonight isn't that something new. Hey give the guy some credit it is a normal person call aroudn the country to help those how he would like to be working with him and for him, it's just are they really the right people is the question, we shall see.
Anyway hoped you enjoyed the monday story and we shall rant hopfully something good tomorrow many be I'll get to the race thing I want to do Hell just say the name Chris Rock and you found yourself a racies pig, but that is for another time
I am the darkness my dear friend
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