So we all lived throught the great diseaster that was to be 10/10/10 with it being nothing more then a reguler day with the normal set of problems that we all like to have and did have there was nothing really spechail about the day other then then the numbers where the same three times in the same day because we had 10/10/10 at 10:10.10 and nothing went out of wack and we didn't loose everything in our computer or anything like that for the most people it was just a normal sunday of running around and watching football. for some lucky people who have bought there hockey packages already they where watching a few hockey games oh how I wish I was one of them, but I'm not. As a matter of fact I went out the other day to cut my cable Bill and in truth I walked out of there upgrading a few thing and still ended up with a much lower price which is how things usally go when you try and down grade something they find away to give you more for a lower price just to keep hold of you for at least six months and then hit you with a huge bill later and you have to pay it welll yelling and screaming at them I didn't want all this in the first place..
The bills is where they get you. They run you low for six to twelve months and then they hit you with a huge bill, not in some cases you don't really see it comming with the cable company they do it to slowly so you don't really notice it one month your Bill is a 156bucks the next it's a 165buck and then keep slowly incressing it so you don't really notice. where as someone like the credit card company they just hit you all at once one month you pay 150bucks the next you are paying 268, the just make it jump on you and you never say it coming and when you call and try and get hold of someone to talk to after an hour of being on hold they say well there is nothing we can do for you the promo you had ran out and it's time to pay up, you should have read the fine print, well guess what the fine print is so fine you need a hundred times magnifing glass just to make it look close to being able to read. It's a pain in the butt. If you have the choose pay for everything in cash as much as possable or wait tell you have the money to pay for it it is nice to have a credit card or two open and paided off each month for something like your netflix and on line service if you still use one other then that there is no point to having them you just get in way to much trouble..
Ok so now you know the football season is on the air because on monday that is all there is on the news and the newspaper is just covered in it. You know that is what we are all about for the next sixteen weeks or more depending on who close to the superbowl we get, but in the end I think it's a little two short for most people I mean they only play in total like 17 games a year. I mean just on a normal week a baseball time will play seventeen games and I hate baseball and it's sad that I know that. I mean hell a normale golf player will play more games of golf in the sametime spane. and they don't pay as have as much as football players do so you have to think yeah a football player can get hurt a hell of a lot easier then a golf player, but they play half as much, so yeah I think they should extened the football season to at least 22 to 25games a year that would be close to have the year and nice to have something watch that is a good water cooler subject, because baseball and golf really are boaring as hell to try and talk about at the office the next day and the fact that you can talk about a really boaring game of baseball everyday of the week if you really try and watch that much of a really boaring sport to begin with...
I am the darkness my dear friend
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