Music not used...
So now they are using music in preview they are not using in the movie or T.V. shows, you know I know this isn't anything new but it's getting a butt load woeste more because it's stuff I know and is out of date I guess you could call it. I see previews for Movies like Iron Man 2 and hear a great song that I know but when I go to see the film it's no where to be found. I get the soundtrack for Iron man 2 which is done completely by AC/DC and almost now of there music is in the movie which sucks because there stuff fits so well. I mean when they where making Armageddon they temp Aerosmith stuff in but it worked so well they left it in it justed worked that well I don't think they worked that out anymore these day they get you with the cool rift from Highway to hell becuase the copy right on it is up after 30years so it becomes an open market song for anyone to use on anything they choose or the band say's yeah go ahead just pay us a few hundred bucks everytime you air what ever it is you are going to have on. Now the funniest thing of late is that I hear Highway to hell and its for an ad to a kids move, they just cut the singing part of song. You know it's saft to say they want the music but not what it really say in the song, for the most part the lyrics to Highway to hell is not really all that great for many thing for T.V. anyway You for the most part can see what they are trying to do, by using something that everyone knows by heart or at the every least have heard a few hundreds times and it's also intrudosing the music to a new age of kids which is nice but at the sametime my not be right for the younger ones let's say under the age 12, but that might be a little to young to, but then again I was listing to that kind of music when I was 10 and I turned out crazier then a mad hatter so there is nothing wrong with that I would think. In most case though I would just like to see the part you see on the T.V. in the movie and the music you hear on the soundtrack and I would like to be able to get the soundtrack too. I have had troubles finding music and soundtracks of movies that are very populer or that have great songs on it. Did you know that the soundtrack to Highlander is really the Queen ablum it's a Kind of magic. There are a few other ones out there that are like that, you just don't know it because when you go and get the soundtrack at the store or on I-tunes or where ever you get it you send up with the score and you never know the diffrence which sucks for many people. I had to got to a store in a back alliy when I was in london that deleat in nothing but soundtrack and I do mean nothing but soundtracks if a movie or play has a version or sountrack these people had it, and they looked through thing and found that there is no offical soundtrack to the movie Highlander, but the Queen ablum It's a kind of magic would do in a pinch There are a few movies like this and you know I hate it because I would like just have the songs from the movie which in most cases is a lot of diffrent arties not just one. so if you are going to make a Movie make sure you can put out a good soundtrack in the end with the music you use it in other wise that is going to disappoint a lot of people myself included..
I am the darkness my dear friend
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