Book two: Standing in the street..
As Anikin started to walk down the street I reached down and grabbed his sword “I was being polite, but if you like, Hup mule Hup.” We both started to laugh again as Anikin grabbed me back down the center of the street. My feet were leaving behind two deep skidded marks in the now muddy street. “You know I never did understand why you ---“
“Why I started to dislike you after the incident with the Lord of the Dead and the Vampire King.”
“No I can understand that…” I worked his sword up and on to my shoulders “Why you always felt responsible for my leg?”
Anikin said somewhat somber tone. We were back in front of the bar. Opal and Warrior were coming down the street towards us. It would appear that there fights took little bit longer then ours had. Which came as no surprise to me, Warrior always was a bit slow. If I ever had to pit him against a blind man in a fight I would give it to Warrior, but just. Anikin and I stood there in the now heavy rain waiting for the two of them to join us “By the way what was the scrapping. There never was any music.”
“Just the Fiddler, I heard her warming up, I guess she didn’t want to play in the rain.” I said Anikin sneered at me. I smiled back “I know you don’t like her, but she is in general a hard working person.”
“Yeah I know Opal’s had her play in the bar a few times.” Anikin said “She dose have a soft spot for the noble bad guy.” He turned to look at me “But you remember that she did try and kill you once?”
I shook my head as I smiled “Name a person who hasn’t tried to kill me?”
“Who is trying to kill you now?” Opal’s voice broke in. The two of us turned to look at her. Warrior and opal were standing about three feet from us now. The four of us where soaking wet and the street had turned from wet dirt to a huge mud puddle. We were starting to sink a little bit in to it we where up to are ankles and the rain was still getting heavier. Opal stared at the two of us, the uncommon site of Anikin and I standing together holding me up had taken her a bit by surprise. As a matter of fact the only other time she had seen Anikin and me standing together like this just after other accident years ago. Anikin had helped me walk then too “Well this is a rare site to be hold.” She said ‘What’s wrong with you Mac?”
I nonsulontly gestured to my back “Arrow to the lower back, can’t walk, might have broken my spine, but I don’t think so.” I looked over at Warrior ‘How did you two do?”
“We did ok, nothing but fighters down there.” Warrior said and knotted back “Kind of a disappointment really.’
“Can we get out of the rain please?” Anikin said breaking the light conversation that we where having in the middle of the street. The rain was coming down pretty heavy now “I think I’m starting to sink here?” He pulled his foot up out of the muddy street “And with your weight…” He turned to look at me “… I think I’m going down even faster.”
“Yes I believe so. I thought it was strange that Opal was getting taller.” Anikin let go of me and in surprise I fell face first down into the muddy street. I hit the ground with a loud splat and sank half of my body down into the street. I pushed myself up with my hands and started to spit out mud ‘I got to stop making short jokes.” My head was pushed back down into the mud. I lifted my face up out of the mud slowly to see that everyway had walked away from me leaving me face down in the mud. I gowned and started to crawl towards the walk way in front of me.
At the Halfway point I stopped and rested my head on my arms. It was going to be a long night when I was pulled up out of the mud and stood up. Maxx had come out and was now holding my up by the back of my shirt “You know better then to joke about the Mrs. Height.” He said in his heavy muscular voice “Come on let’s get you out of the rain and cleaned up.” Maxx started to drag me out of the street.
“Yes I should know better.’ I said as I looked up at him “Thanks Maxx.”
“No problem Mac, just don’t do it again.” There was a flash of lighting and I saw a figure standing on the roof top of the bar, as water poured on my face trying to clean it of mud. ‘Looks as thought I should tell the lady of the bar company is here.”
“Oh, no please let me do it.” Maxx looked down at me but said nothing.
See the Fiddler does show before we even know it it just what am I really going to do with her in the end that I have questions about I mean I use her and I should come up a bit more of a story on her then I have in the past, but she is fun to write so hope you enjoyed and there is always more to come so go do something importen the reading the ramblings of a mad man
I am the darknees my dear friend
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