Yeah I know...
So things happen and we go on and on no matter what happens those who don't just sit back and become drepress and end up with hanging around the house and I do mean hanging around a little rope and a good board in the ceiling These are the people you don't find untill days later you know this happens everyday and you know why. Things just get out of hand the world comes crashing down around them. A lot of problem in todays world, almost reminds me of the 1920's just after the stock market crashed and in today world you can almost say that is what is happening with what ever they are calling it the depresstion the resetion the lost of everything all I know is that it's killing a shit load of people and everything we have tried is not working we need something new and soon or there is going to be more, people need to expand not srink,, give people a reason to get up in the morning or afternoon the way to safe the people is to expand what ever you are doing to make more and make it better and cheaper by having more people work for you to make a countuis product line. the thing is to remember the people that are working for you are just that people and theyhave lives and familys they are tring to give a good life too so you need to make sure you are treating them well and they enjoy what they are doing as a big wig in the company you got enough time to make sure the peopel who are your company have what they need to make it through life your the person in the big house with three to six cars and a gardner, and they are the people in the rent house with nothing in the kitchen, you need to be cutting back you living and giving to the people that work for you and having more of them around the country. everyone needs to expand in times likes these because these are the time that can either make or break a country. Hell look at what we did in the 80's and how the country rebounded in the 50's after world war two, it just something to think about to help the people in the country to move us all forward and get a better living.
I am the darkness my dear friend
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