My head hurts...
Ok so here is the tail. I was at the store and yes I will use names of very one in the story. I was checking out and you know that everyone has one of these stupied rewards or discounte cards that you can get for free and use and that thet casher is to ask you for it. Now As I said I was cHecking out and i was going through one of my normal cashers because I like to guy I have fun with him and he is a person in charge for the Operations department, so if there is any problem I can pretty much have him appove the change on the spot and head to teh C.I desk to take of it with a simple phone call if needed no problem. Now the store is a little busy I have had a hard day and just want to get the hell out of the store and head home to get some dinner. I'm joking with him and he is telling me that he is down a few cashiers and only has one person at his C.I. desk so he screwed for the night, I look at him and said well youo could call me in but I got fired almost two years ago for relgious reasons, you know you how Fred meyer is with leting people work with relgious restrctions." He knodds his head and we start to scan the coupons in the paper for the stuff I came in for, but we for get to scan my card and we finshed cashing out, No problem I'll just head up to teh C.I. desk and have them take care of it there, I didn't want to hold up his line any longer they where already out of there queing as it was because he was down so many people and there wasn't anyone at the C.I. desk at that time. Well I head to the C.I. desk and the first thing I say to othe ladies is that I'm here to be a pain in the butt in a joking tone, because it's should not be that big of a deal and i already got things approved to get done. Now they say they can't do what I need to get done. i was trying to say nice and went as a customer I have can say tke it all back and rering it or you can just do what I need done. and they still said now. At this I was still to get a little irated. I was not liking this and they started to quote the company policy and I went I know what the policy is I use to work for this company, and I know that I have not left this store yet and as a costomer I have the right to say take it back and rering it. which is where I was going. Now one of the ladies that was there walked away to start helping people in th eline that was forming behind me. so I started to deal with teh other llady Nancy was her name and who was still on about well if you know the company policy you know. I went as a costomer as I am now talk to you I am tell you to take it all back and rering it. I was for the most part polite about it eben thought I was starting to get upset and was seeing that this was going to take longer then I wanted it too. and that was my final thing because she had pissed me off. Take it all back and rering it I want this done and as a costomer I have that right and for the most part right now I am in the right. and I knew it was going to be a pain because it was all going to be need to be doe by hand which means a lot of numbers. So Nancy starts to do as I ask and just after she scaned the recite to start she told me tha I was RUDE and sence I knew the policies I should not have been RUDE to her. Now this just set's me off and I look at her and I say nothing. For the most part I'll already mad and this has just sent me to some place I don't want to go. I start to pace back and forth in front of her and the C.I. desk counting and breathing in deeply. I know when I get out of here I am just going to want to call some to vent to because more then anything else Nancy told me I was RUDE to her. I was a costomer in the store I had not worked at for over 2years because I was fired for my relgion which pissed me off and here I was being given a talking to about being RUDE I know that a lot can change in two years but telling a costomer that they are being RUDE weither they work for Fred Meyer or not is wrong it's so wrong that I have seen people get a writen warning on it and I have writen one for it myself well I worked for Fred Meyer, in the end I did the return and rering just to screw with her because I only ended up with 80cents back which I think is still wrong but you know I have a huge head acker from this I was not going to question it any more and having Nancy called me RUDE Nancy of the Lacey WA. Fred Meyer is lucky that I didn't take her apart right there on the stop. You never ever call a person and a costomer RUDE to there face anyway.
The Vent
So Now I leave the store I'm pissed on more then one level and I just want to Vent/rant to some who would go yea your right that was wrong of them and then give you a talking to and call you rude to your face way byond wrong, so who is the one person you should be able to call and do this to, that's right your wife. So I give out the short part of the store and you want to know what she does. she starts to deffend the store and Nancy. She just will not agree with me with what nancy did was wrong and that as a costomer I have this right. She goes on that the policy for Fred Meyer is this and.. I keep cutting her off and say but I was give a lectouer and told to my face that I was rude and she just skipps that like she never heard it and goes on deffending the store and how what Nancy did was right. Not that I was a costomer but what Fred Meyer was doing was in line with there policy and Nancy was doing what was right, so calling me rude and not doing what I had gotten approvil for was wrong. Being called rude and talking to me about it was the right thing to do and was now a policy that Fred Meyer approves of. Holy Crap this is new to me the costomer is no longer right at Fred Meyer and they now have the right to tell you that you are being rude to your face weither you work for them or not. You know in some case I glad a company is starting to stick there neck out on the line but on the other hand wait a mintue i got approvil for this before I even came to you in the first place so shut the hell up and do it I'm a costomer right now.
I was pissed and for the most part I still am I was not able to really vent with out the policy of Fred Meyers quoted back to me and had a bear of a time getting what i had a pprovle for done in the first place and to top the hole thing of it gave a me a bear of a headake. That I will need to take at least four asprine for and hope for a good nights sleep. I still pssed at my wife for not just letting me talk and during the converstion well she was going on about Fred Meyers policy I hun g up on her. I didn't want to hear it anymore I just want to talk/vent about how I was called RUDE by Nancey who wroks for the Lacey Fred Meyer and how that was wrong wither I was a person who worked for Fred Meyer or not for the past 2years I had been a costomer to Fred Meyer and sad to say I will for for a long time, but trust me I will let Fred Meyer know that Nancy had called me Rude...
I am the Darkness my dear Friend
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