The week goes on...
So the week moves forward and we we keep things going in our lives and today of all day we learn that the final price tag for the TARO bailout is going to be a fraction of the 700billion that it was thought to be and that they have a Director for the Next Superman movie. both of which are kind of importen. I think the bailout is just a little more news worthy then the superman story but hey they can both be there way not it's what we all want to know. That we are not going to be spending billions of dollors on something, but we are going to be paying some guy a few thousands to make a multi-million dollor movie that is most likly not going to do all that great at the theater and make way less then it coast to make. yes another boom for the superman indestery. You know they have never done all the great to begin with I think the first movie and the second did the best and the other three have boomed, but then the superman story have been told a few other time and I remember a Black and White version of the film I use to watch every now and then when it came on T.V. way back when i don't think I have seen that version in a long time but I know it was intresting and that it was black and white or it just might have been a black and white T.V. I had at the time, I don't think they even make Black and WHite T.V.'s anymore, now you have a choose between LCD, LED, and plasma, you can't even get a tubed T.V. in a reguler store anymore, but that has nothing to do with the Bailout that is no longer going to cost 700billion dollors and here is a nice question where is this money going to come from. Where is the goverment going to find it. Hell we can't get the money that is owed us from other countries and then again we keep paying out for products that we are not getting so not to have pay out 700billion dollors is nice to now, but then again what was the final tag for this bailouyt i don't know I didn't want to even look at it, because what ever it is it's way to much because peopel don't know how to run a bussness, but then again I can't say anythign I don't know I could do much better myself, but I sure as heel would keep track of things a heel of a lot better.
Killer Mud..
Hey check this intresting story I found a Village was consumed by Toxic mud,the good part of this story is that isn't not here in the U.S. it's in Hungery the sad part is that is happening at. An Industrial Accendent leads to a town being flooded by toxic mud and the well i would hope the town being evcuated Once again I'm just reading headline who cares about the rest of the story. I mean this is what get's peoples eyes anyway isn't it the headlines of headlines a Toxic Mud take over town, Hey cool then you find out in's in hungury It's not that cool anymore and you start to feel a little more sorrow because it's a whole town that is being evacutued and most likly going to be destoried because of some acccendent, I just hope we don't have to send any money to help fix this one heel we are still trying to rebuild haiti right now I mean we never even saw and thought about helping out Chile when they got there earthquake we are all so focus on Haiti we sometimes forget about the other small countries in the world, but then again I am all for take care of it yourself we have problems of our own to take care of we don't have time to help you.
Millionaires collect Unempolyment
Ok here is something that is more then wrong Millionaires get to collect unempolyment how wrong is this. I know that everyone is intitled to unempolyment but at what point is it fair that a Millionair gets to collect it and why would you want to. Oh wait they have a right to the money and they want it. Ok that is fair, but what the hell do they need it for a good millionair can live of the intrest of the money they have in the bank if they where smart and cut a few things back, but hey we need to have it all and we like to live the life we always have no matter how much money we don't have, so I guess they have a right to the money I just don't think it's fair that they take it because if they leave it that would mean there is more in the those who really need it..
I am the darkness my friend
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