oh how I hate days like today there is a lot happening yet nothing is getting done and you have nothing but a headacke all day long from the mintue you wake up and it just keeps growing in stranght all day long. So where do you go there from here when everything you try and look at hurt more and more. the scenitvity is just out of the world when you hit bright light or there is a pressure deffrance in the air around you things just suck to be me right now I really can't stand days like this just because it was such a nice/bad day. The rain kept coming down and all I would have cared to do is curl up o n the sofa and watch a good movie and watch the fire place well at the sametime listing to the rain out side, maybe getten in a little sleep ever now and then, but unfortuley I had way to many things to do today..
So there are good things and bad things to say about police and I am not one of there biggest fans in the world, but it would appear Texas officals where clearing s town when they shot a video of tornado ripping throw a building and then end up inside the Tornado. NOw in some cases this was stupied they guy was out storm hunting and he ended up in the middle of it guess what when you go looking for something like a tornado your going to find one and it will turn on you and trust me when I say sometimes they do have a mind of there own and they act like you would never think they would. One mintue you can be watching it in what you would think is a safe place then in the next second it could be right on top of you and you would wish you would never have been there because you have shit flying around you and winds growing to over 125miles an hour. guess what you are screwed. so for the most part if you find yourself in a spot like this just grab your ankles and kiss that butt good buy...
Ok so the chance to screw up the country again with new peopleis coming up so remember to do your duty and vote, Now me being me I can't vote and on the most part i don't say shit about it but every now and then I have try and say something, about things that are going wrong with the way of the goverment, which is one I have no say in building, but you know it's always the peoples right to change that what is not working, but i see people just doing what they always do and vote for what is already in place. it's hard to get real cahnge in a goverment that you are use to. we need to kick out everyone every year and put in new people every four years. like we do with the Pres. The house and sente need to change and have trem limits just like everything else then it come to getting things done, a new goverment is what is needed and one that is as old as the oldest personin washington is what you get. we have had the same people inthe same office for over eightteen years now and nothing has gotten done. it's time we get some new people inoffice to make a real change for the country and the world we live in.
so remember do what you should do and Vote for the new by the 3rd of Nov. and change the world if you can...
I am the darkness my dear friend
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