The winner of the fight...
Ok so over the years and they even made a movie of who is the winner when it comes to Freddy VS Jason. the movie was incuncluse much like Godzila VS King Kong. you never knew who really won, but with the box office it would appear that Jason is the winner, by 10,000,000 but that is also 12 film for Jason and 9 Films for Freddy so Freddy can still make a few movies to catch up and make the extra 10mill which is kind of intresting to see because Jason I believe is the older of the two so I would think that he would be a little more ahead of Freddy then 10mill, but the really loser of the old time scream kings is Michal Myers. the poor guy is down in fourth under the Saw. Now the first 4 saw Movies where the orginal guy and then 5 and 6 where is spawn when, the intresting thing about the Saw thing is that there is always a way out you just need to think it through to get there in the time he gives you. It's a puzzle you need to think you way through it so I can see people wanting to see what they come up with where Freddy and Jason are straight up Killers and really you just have to excape him and live to tell about it. I think as sad as it is that the serial killer really isn't that great of a movie, but I just like to watch Jason and Freddy because I kind of grew up on them. After a night of parting and drinking always work up the next morning ordered a Pizza by 11am and watched a horror flick and it was either Freddy or Jason in most cases I think it was Jason. I use to watch part Six all the time. I found it intresting and funny all at the sametime. I never cared for parts 7 or 8 and just couldn't get myself to see 9, but I'm working on it and I found ten to be intrestingly stupied. I was hoping they might be able to find something to do with an 11th on using the end of 10 as a jump forward but they never did, they remade it and we got this new thing with was a combinding of parts 1-3 which I really didn't care for. I was really kind of hoping for a remake of the first one with a little more on what happened to Jason in the first place and maybe evening seeing his birth to see why he looked the way he was, not this Oh let's smash the first three films together and give you this thing we call a movie. by itself if I has not seen the orginal I would have liked it that more, but it did bring back on thing that has been missing from horror films over the past feew years and that is the breast exposher. I'm a guy and I like to see some breast in my horror films, sorry ladies but it's true, but then again I'll go for seeing some guys butt to I mean it should all be there if you can get it. Hell make it an NC-17 film and give us the full monty on the guys just for the fun of it. get the guy coming out of the shower..
And now Freddy..
Ok so we kind of went throught Jason now Freddy I think is a little more intresting because he use the dream world to take out his people on the theroy of if you die in your sleep you die in real life, Dreamscape was based on this idea too, but Freddy was a guy out for revenge and was taking it out on everyone who did him in. Freddy got 9 movies made and only two maybe three of them was anygood. I know most people want to throw out the second one because it didn't really fit with the story line they where on which made 3,4,5,6 where really more of farces then anything else then you get the new nightmare which was an intresting reenventing of him and then you got this new version of the film which really upset a lot of people because the great Robert England the man that is Freddy was not even asked to do a Cameo in the film which I think killed it for a lot of people. You can not have a Freddy Movie with out Robert being in it even if he doesn't Play Freddy he needs to be in the movie. Now I have seen all of the Freddy Movies besides the New Version, just because I haven't had a chance to rent it, but I think/hear it's not all that great. You get more of a background on the man himself, but it just doesn't look all that great to me. What I do like about the orginal set of films is that in I thinks it is the 6th film is that Alice Cooper places his father which I thought was fitting at the time because Rob Zombie really wasn't around and I think he would have been a cool father for Freddy, but I think Alice was a good choose for the time and I happen to like Alice Cooper I think he an intresting guy. I would like to meet him one day and try and to get to know the real guy much Like Rob. So in the end I need to watch the remake of Nightmare on Elm street and see what they did right/wrong like they did with Friday the 13th...
Mike Myers...& Rob Zombie
Ok Now I have very little to say here, because I have never seen any of the Halloween films the orginal or the remakes so is that sad or what. I know they have jumped off the track with three, but I got no idea what si going on here so I can't really say anything other then I believe Rob Zombie did do the remakes so they could be intresting to watch if I ever get around to watching them.
Rob makes some intrseting Films I have seen both Devils rejects and House of a 1000 corps They where intresting to watch I'm not sure what I thought about them, other then they where Horror films from Rob Zombie and something that I would expect from him. I have always like Rob and I think he's a good Dir and singer. I have enjoyed most of his music even when he was with White Zombie so there you go I like the guy. Every now and then I think him and Ozzy should get together then I go no they are two diffrent styles of the same kind of music, but then again it might be intresting to see so I don't know about that, but that is one of those crazy things I think about every now and then much like Meat and Reba coming together to do a song together or putting Nickleback and Reba on tour together. So I hope Rob Counties making intresting and scary films and some great music.
The New Stuff
Ok Now we get to the new Horror away from the greats like Freddy and Jason and now we get these film that are really a really long story line. Saw, Final Destination and Scream, you know these really arn't horror film then they are blood and guts film I mean with saw you get it's a puzzle find your way out and if you don't you die by your own hand. With Final Destination you get people who lived throught something and Mistress Death is just coming for you, because you belong to her and she want's what is her's regardless of how see get's it. Then you have Scream which for the first time gave me a good loop I never saw the bad guy coming in the first two but had the third one figured out about halfway throught and now they got a fourth one coming should be intresting to see what they come up with. I like it when you never know who really is the bad guy untill they end and can go Huh no way so this group of films was intresting to watch and I think I will be looking forward to the next on in the seris.
Now there have been a few movies I have seen that are in the Horror area, but there is one I would like to really say go and watch and if you figure out who did it before the end and what is going on before they tell you what is really happening is the Movie Idenity. I found this film a trip I enjoyed it a hell of a lot it may not be a really Horror more of a supenice film but hell it is a great film and if you like John Cussack you have to see this film. I had to watch it twice in a row just to make sure I got everything that was happening and see everything I didn't see the first time around so go see this one it is great.
I am the darkness my dear friend
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