OK so the miners are out of the mine now so you can really stop making a celeb out of them. Look we didn't give a shit when the country got hit with a major earkquck yet we go on and on about these 33people who where down in a hole for 69days and just a little while ago I say that they were going to compare it to baby jessica, please someone stop the damn reporters and the networks before we end up with the movie of the week or a cable spechail about these people. It's starting to get way way out of hand. I mean come on let's hear more about what happened on the View the other day when Woopie and Behert left the stage during th interview with O'raily. I mean that is a lot more intresting expechaily sence when went on his show later that night ant talk about what happened and that he likes to have the talk back with the other girls because they don't show his same point of view Hey this is a hell of a lot more intresting then some stupied miners stuck in a mine for a few days and it's a butt load closer and you know that is always what makes things a hell of a lot more intresting is when they are down the street from us and not halfway down the world from us. Look I think we are giving these 33people way way way way way to much time. There out there alive so we are done with them and let's be done with it you know I am and would be very happy to see that everyone else is too, but you know they wont be. look for the book of the story coming soon followed but the made for cable movie...
I am the darkness my dear friend
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