Whats going on anymore...
You know I don't watch Mtv or VH1 anymore because they don't show us any videos anymore or if they do it's not anything worth watching in the first place or at least for me anyway I mean and even then I don't know most stuff that videos are made like these years are crap anyway no mater what kind of music you listen to. You know I have cable so I check the on-demand stuff so the new videos but people I might know becuase I sure as hell can't find them on the music channle even if it the spechail ones that they have, everything now is some kind of show like the real world or hell do they even have news for the music industrey on there anymoe or there rewards show I mean I don't know about you but I can't find a single good music video on the channels any more, but then again I'm old school in the fact that I like to see a bit of a story or like a live video none of the butt shaking stuff or girls with out much on running around, unless they are running on the beach or some kind. You know when the Mtv first started they had to fun video and talk about music industery whole lot because they didn't have anything else ot money for anything else and then later they started oto work in some dance shows and one games show remote control. which was a good break every now and then. and then later we got one of the first reality show real world, which I never watch didn't care I was there for the music video's to get and hear new music. Now a days you don't get any or the stuff you get nothing but one kind of shows or another. The channles don't show you anything anymore you get crap on top of crap. You know I remember when they did the first Mtv awards and I remember the first mtv movie awards but you know even these shows have turned into crap I can't watch any of it because the things that people do and wear just show almost no respect so I say drop all the crap and start running what you you there in the first place 8hour of good music video's and with a ten mintue news break each hour then you you one or two reality shows and then you hour news program and guess what you got a tweleve hour schaudle that works for everyone. and you know the 8hours of video can be broken down in to new stuff that just came out that week stuff that is from the beginning of the video erea and then you can have a mix of everything else it would be nice to see the body count next to Reba McEntire next to salt and pepper with other stuff thrown in there it would make for a great dart throwning video programing hell it would be like putting my I-tunes on random and letting it go for the next 59days and listing you what you get out of it, because I knwo if you hit random an my i-tunes you would get a great mix for thing to listen to from Barbra to body count to nickleback back to AC/DC and over yo yanni and end with a little Queen, if you did this with Mtv you could have some great mixes of music and you could have some really bad mixes but you know that is what you got to do get a good product and right now I don't think any of the music channles do that from CMT to Mtv and over to VH1. there is way to many programs on these channle and not enough Videos to watch I know some of the band that I listen to have a video out but I never see it even on the on-demand system from the cable company, because you know you can't find it on any of the music channles just to give an example on for the people with do listen to is Meat Loaf and off his last two albums I know he has had at least two videos for them but I have never seen them on the Tube and you can't even get them on I-tune, now I know tunes can have licencing troubles or what not but hell you cant find them out in the open on the Music channles, oh wait they don't show anything that doesn't have a woman shaking her ass all over the place. which get boring really fast, but you have to make your own mind up on it now I have had my say and I think that the music channles suck and don't do anything for the music industry
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