Stuff that has happened..
You know a lot of things happened today that goes back at least 204 years that is of some great intrest so let's take a look..
1806-The holy roman empire went out of existence as Emperor Francise II was abdicated..
(well that is one way to end a great run for ruling the world)
1809-Poet Alfred Lord Tennyson was born in Somersby, Lincolnshire, England.
(hey a great poet is born too cool but is it really news worthy)
1890- Convicted murder William Kemmler becomes the first person to be Executed in the electrice chair as he put to death at Auburn State Prison In New York..
(to cool we start to knock people off who where in persion, why did we stop,)
1926- Gertrude Ederle of New York becomes the first woman to swim the English Channel..
(intresting the first woman to swim the English Channel was an american)
1945-The U.S. dropped an atomic boom on Hiroshima< Japan being the first to use a nuclear weapon in warfare.
(the U.S. gets tired of having there ask kicked so they pull out the big guns and say's don't mess with out of well take you all out)
1965-Pres. Lyndon Johnson signed the voting Right Act
(hey look more laws, but I think this one works for must people who want to Vote.)
1978- Pope Paul VI died at Castel Gandolfo at the age of 80
(look an old guy who was the head of the church finally died now for at the very least the church has no leader. Time for them to play politics to see who can run the church for the next few years)
1986-William Schroeder Died after living 620days with the Jarvik 7 artifical heart.
(kind of sad a guy was with an experamtal heart dies to give the medical industry and Idea of how long something like that might work)
to bad that is where the newspaper stop, but let's take a look at what we got. end of a Empire, a guy is born, Death by chair, american woman does a first, Nuclear boom kills 140,00, a new Law, the Pope dies, and guy with fake heart dies. Looks like a lot of death and one guy is born not a good day to be that one guy with all the death around, but then again he was born before most of the death happens so it's not really his fault. but lets see what else we got fot this year..
2010- Giant Marlin attacks press boat in Hawiin
(the fish are not taking it anymore and are fighting back they are tired of being hunted for sport so watch your butt out there)
2010- Pres.. wife get a part of beach clear for her and daughter to relax by the Mediterranean
(heyit's good to be the wife of what can be called the most powerful person in the world.)
So that is what happend to day. so more then two hundered years after the fall of what can becalled the greatest Empire that the world has ever seen the wife of the most powerful man can have part of a beach cleared so she and her daughter can kick back and relax after a day fo sightseeing. sounds good to me, but I think I like the fact that the fish are starting to fight back and taking over the sea because humanity has been hunting them for far to long so you know the fish are tring to add to the body count for the day. by the way how many people died in the war today does anyone know because there isn't any news on it. we got new on Emma Watsons new hair cut which accutally took place a few days ago but it big news today but nothing on the butchers bill from the wars that we have running today, but then again I guess Hair does and big fish attacking people along with Pres.. Wife clearing a beach is much more intresting then a Butcher Bill from the war. I mean we don't want to hear about death everyday even though today really is a bout death with the U.S. kill 140,000 with one boom so why not know what the Butchers bill for the day is, then again how many of you know what a Butcher Bill is. I do but I forget how it came about. I know it's an intresting story I'll have to try and find it and write it out for you, but for now let's just call it a day in history that is full of dead people.
Most People have a Full measure of Life
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