Now just for fun Let's look at Harry Potter once again so If you haven't read the book well you are missing a good story line for kids and people of all ages. Now I didn't get into it untill book 4 came out so I had to do some back tracking and read the first three book's and I must say I did take my time with it, but it was well worth it. Now for book one which I have talked about already There are changes from the Brit. verson and the US versoin and the cover is not just one of them
Now you can get a copy of the Brit covers on the net or just Drive up to Canada and go to you local book store. They should have a copy or two. Now also in Brit they have two diffrent type of
Now you can get a copy of the Brit covers on the net or just Drive up to Canada and go to you local book store. They should have a copy or two. Now also in Brit they have two diffrent type of
covers one for the adults and one for the Kids. Here we have the U.S. Cover and I believe the cover for the Kids for the British verson of the book. No personaly I like the cover for the British verson just because you have and better idea of what might be happening in the story the U.S. versoin even after reading the story I didn't get and I still don't really get it so you have to think about what versoin of the book you really want to try and get and for the most part I'm glad that after book one they didn''t change the langue in the book they where talking if it they where in England and they kept it that way. Yeah the changes in book one you would never really know unless you had both versoin of the book and I just happened to pick one up when I went to go see a hockey game a few years a go and I was reading the two book together page after page for the first few chapters and found a few diffrents that I found funny and woundered why the had changed them, Hell I still question why change the cover of the book. in the end I still found the story really good and a hell of a lot better then the Twilight thing that is happening. I mean I read the first book and went well that was really boring and then I talk to someone who had read the second one and they said the second one was even slower so I haven't even gone near it and I don't think I ever will. One of the few time I'll go by what the Movies say's when it comes on cable, But with the Potter books I put down book one and went into book two and then staright in to book three, took a pause between book three and four because someone else was reading it at the time and I was going to bore there copy so I went back to my star wars book went through one or two of then when I got the chance to read book four I dove into that. Then like everyone else in the world I had to start the waiting game and I waited reading everything else I then when book five came out I went out the morning at 7am because I was not going to do the midnight thing I had much better things to do with my night like sleep and I got my copy. I started to read it a week later because I was in the middle of one someother book at the time and I hate to stop in the middle of a book to start another one no big deal really I had time and no one was going to spoil it for me, then the problem came that my wife picked it up and started to read it and I was stuck with out a book untill I could get one from a friend a week and a half later after the book had come out so I was really only a few day back on starting it and once I read a chapter we could talk about it, but then once again we had to wait, but you know I got to say that they are great stories and as disapointing as some of the books are and the things that happen in them over all it could be a classic good VS evil story unlike this twilight thing. I got no idea where that thing is going or how it even started. Remember folks Vamps are not sparkly they turn to dust when light hit's them. In Potter we never see a Vamp but we do hear about them, but we do get to see a warewolf now it's not the classic english wolf we would have like to have seen it was more of a russian one,but then I don't think they really did the reasearch on that one or really cared because you only ever really see it one maybe twice in the books so we just live with it. now for the rest of the stuff in the book look if you are reading Vamp stuff then a story about a boy learning magic should be nothing for you and if you are agaiest this kind of stuff ok, but just know it's not real the lady made it up and as much as I know there are real warlocks and witches out there for the most part they are just living like like everyone else and in some case saving the world from shit you don't want to see or even know about so get over it and say thank you to one if you ever find one working at the office building or the law ferm down the street, the cop that just pulled you over, or better yet the casher that just check you out at the store. They are everywhere and most of them are really nice it's just the few bad apples that everyone see's that mess things up for everyone else, but in this case it a story about a kid learning about himself and a story of good VS Evil the good apple vs the bad apple that everyone see's and for the most part you get it in the same version as it was writen now here in the U.S. and you would in England so go read and enjoy it's a fun story for all to read and I think most people would enjoy it. use it as a bed time story for your kids it's a nice adventer for them to hear and hell they will never know that it's not true....
Most people Have a full measure of life
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