As the man aproched the center chair Franky pushed over the wooden sign infront. Bear it read. The man turned to face me and spook in a deep booming Voice "Good eve all please present your Clain." and from left to right of the table each person pushed over their sign.
"Beaver" a male voice said "porkeypine" a womans voice said "Hawk' "Ape" "Tiger" Deer" "Wolf" were all male voices "Panther" was a woman "Chimp" was a male, but both "Eagle" and Rabbit" were women and the "Raccon" was a man
"very well please be seated" the bear said looking up and down the table, then out at me "start your name for the record please?"
I stepped forward leaning on my cane much heavier then was needed "Sir S.L. McK."
""Very good Mr McK . Do you know why you have been called here today?" He said looking down at the paper work infront of him. He Raised an eyebrown and then looked back up at me.
"No" I said plainly
"Very well. Have you come alone?"
"I have traviled alone to this location." I looked over to the left wall "But I make no asurances that I was not followed."
""Very well. You are here to answer questions that have araised over the past year. Are you ready for this?" the Bear was still standing flipping through papers before him.
"I will do my best that I can, but with out any idead of what this is about it might take me a few mintues to answer your question" I looked around "My I please get a seat of somekind?"
"Yes you may." and with out looking up from the papers he waved his hand and a hard wooden stool came up put of the ground behind me "Now let us begun." He said as he sat down. Franky moved from the table for the first time sence the bear lord arrived at the table.
"First and easiest question Mr McK." said the sweet female voice of the Rabbit lord as she stood up "Why have you returned?"
"I bounced my cane a few times "I have come to retrive a friend."
"and this friend is here of there own will?"
"No they are not." I was tring to see if they knew who I was after.
The Rabbit Lord sat down "This person How did they get here?" said the Deer lord as he Stood up
"I don't have the excat information, but they where taken agaist there own will. Kiddnapped if you would."
"And you learned of the persons abduction How?"
"I was sent a letter. I pulled out a peice of paper.
"Franky jumped off the table and scampered over to me. I titled my cane so he could run up and retieve that note from my hand. He ran back down and over to the table where he jumped up and handed the note to the Bear Lord. He took it from Franky and simply set it aside.
"So you have come here just to retreieve this person." The Beaver Lord said as he started to stand up.
"No I am Not." I left it at that knowing he would what the other reason was.
"And does this other reason have anything to do with that castle that has returned in the northen area?"
"Yes it does." I was giving out excat answers right now because I didn't want to give up ant information then I need to.
"Do you know why this castle of yours has returned here?" the Racoon Lord said standing as the beaver Lord sat down.
"No I do not."
"And do you know who is in the castle?"
"Besides the missing person that I have come to get. No."
"Mr McK?" the Bear Lord broke in as the racoon Lord sat down and the Hawk Lord started to stand "Please no lies this evening." He tapped the paper beside him.
'Yes Sir." I replided
"Very good." He turned to the Hawk Lord "Please contuie." he nodded his head.
"Have you been awaare of any new creatures in this land that do not have counter parts?" the Hawk Lord said.
"No I have not."
"Do you plain on having any of your other children coming into this land?"
"No None of the should ever return to this land." I shifted on the stool.
"Mr Mck you have brought your son with you correct?" The Eagle Lord said from a seated postion as the Hawk Lord sat down.
"Yes I have." and I stood up. I was intrested in why she had not stood up as the did when asking their questions. Then she slowly started to rise up out of his chair.
"The person that has been kiddnapped and is now in the castle of yours is a friend of your son?' he said looking down at a few papers in front of her.
"Yes they are friends"
She stayed standing as the pockeypine Lord stood "Does the person trapped in the castle have anything to do with the ledgons of the lands?"
"They are mot menched in the ledgons, but thety could be part of the,." I bounced my can knowing that was not the answer the councel want to hear, but it was the only answer I could give at this time.
"Does that queen know of this persons meaning to your son?"
"No she does not."
"The porkeypine Lord sat down as the wolf Lord stood. The Eagle Lord stayed standing as the Wolf Lord started to speek "Are the ledgons of the land writen in your hand?"
"The first versoin are yes."
"how many are about you?"
"Hard to say. The Ledgons of the lands have grown with each passing year, but I would have to say at least tweleve."
'The Wolf lord wrote down the number and hand it over to the Tiger Lord and then sat down as the Ape Lord stood.
The Ape lord looked down the table at the Eagle Lord who was still standing looking staright at me "What happened to the person know as Flyod?"
"I can not answer that question beyond he disappeared durninf a fight."
"And it was Anikin that wounded you in the leg?" as this the Eagle lord sat down.
"Yes I said subconcuusly rubbing my thigh and feeling a phantom pain.
"The Chimp Lord stood as the Ape Lord stayed standing "Is it possable that Flyod came into contact with his other half?"
I seated myself back on the hard wooden stool 'Yes it is possable that had happen."
"Are you aware of what would happen if someone came in contact with there other half?"
"There are two theroy's on this. 1 both being destroyed and 2 is you would be returned home." as this both the Ape and Chimp Lords sat down.
"The Tiger Lord Stood "By last count the Ledgons of the land have you listed ar fifty one. Do you know in how many hands these Ledgons are in now?"
"I have non clue. Thousands?"
"How old is this world?" The Tiger Lord asked not even giving my question a thought.
"Just a little over two thousand years."
'The Tiger Lord wrote the number down and passed it over to the Wolf Lord whi turned so the Panther Lord could see it. She notted her head and stood up as the tiger Lord sat down.
"How many female companions have you had over the years?"
"And did your create the thing known as Libidous?"
'NO! I would never create such a creator."
"Very good.' The Bear Lord said as he stood and the Panther Lord sat down.
Ok Now that is what you call a short question servey wih yet more to come. I hope I was able to keep all the genders right when I wrote it out and you could keep track of who was talking when. I'm working on the next part of this one one so you might see it some time in the future, but as you can see I'm not running around with a lot of details right now it's just straight forward talking and trying to let you know who is asking the question on this peice. I think this part is going to be intresting once it's all done and I know where it's going, but it would still be nice to hear what you think and if you even like this formate that I am writing in here. at time I think it could be a script of some kind with a few changes as to how it is layed out, but for now it's just in the works.
hope you enjoy and remember for this month..
Thanks for all the Fish
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