Start will oil...
Ok for the most part I have left this BP oil thing alone because I have no idea how it really started and all I ever saw was that oil is spilling out in the the gulf and it millions of gallions and day and it's the worest eco man distater in history and they just aren't fixing the problem because it was so far under the water they couldn't get anyone or thing doen there and then they finally got some kind of cap that slowed things down a little then they got a second cap that has come close to stopping it and now the real clean up can begain and there was a lot of politcs happening and BP was going to pay for a lot of things and they set a side something like 20 million dollors to help out other people with it. First do you think that little is going to help clean things up I think you need to add a few more 0's to it like three. Now I could be wrong it could be billion but hey you can only read so fast when your on a bike and the T.V. is on subtitles more then 20feet away and you have sweat in your eyes, but that is be sides the point. Now today I turn on my computer and I catch this blip peice that they have lost a lot of the Oil. it would appear that something like 40% of the oil that has being in the water has vansihed by evaporating in to the air and that only 1 to 2% of it will be cleaned up by scavanged boats that pick the stuff up off the water. Ok so the clean up is now down to something like 58% which is still a shit load of oil that is going to either hit land fall or be on animals or where ever else it goes. hey but 40% is gone just disappeared in the air through evaperation big news yes it is but don't for get you still got another 60% to deal this so let's not jump for to much joy here and give BP a break. the made the mess don't get cocky and let them off the hook, they still need to clean up the other 60% that is out there because 40% is nothing when you are dealing with a spill that could cause and has cause all kind of problems like the incress in the price off gas now that the well has been caped. I don't know about you guy's but my gas prise has gone up by all most 10cents in the last week or so and I believe that is when they capped the well. so do we have to start it leaking again to get gas prices to drop again. I mean this is nuts and full of crap for this to be happening now adn I do mean the price of gas going up again. well the think was leaking I could kind of see it but once we got it capped off no wew should be dropping like a stone which it is not and remember there is still 60% of the oil leak in the oceans that is going to cause havoc for years and I do mean years to come, because it's takes that long for the eco system to recover from something like this so don't jump to high tell it close to beeing done and for get about the 40% that has disappeared and think about the 60% that is still out there killing and changing the eco system that man is bent on destoring like he does every thing in his way..
Ok Now Mel...
You know I'm way behind on his one more then anything else because I don't care and I don't think anyone else should. Look crap like this happens every day all over the U.S. and you never hear about it just because it's Mel Gibson and tapes get released to some on-line meda instead of the cops you get to hear it first hand, and I understand that some of the tapes are not even real. they have been sliced to geather from all kinds of things, even if he did say those words where did they come from. I mean come on the guy's and actor you can pick them up from any one of the movies he has made over the year and they you have to make sure that they are from his voice to be true, because yeah he say's a few works that is trully him but you cut in a few others from some one who sounds a lot like him and you got yourself a tape of mel gibson saying crap that he didn't say. not that hard with todays tech and computers shit look what it's dont to the movies just to start with and in some case Nude photos of celeb's on the Net. people take still straight from the DVD and post them all over the place some are really scary too, but that has nothing to do with this really excapte you can do the same with an aduio file cut it up and reedit together with someone that sounds much the same and bingo you got what you need. someone listing to it heards the persons voice so when the sound alike comes along for a few words you don't hear the diffrents at all....
Addicition of all kinds...
ok mor quick headlin's which really I don't care about but see all the time. Celebs with drugs got to rehab and the meda get's it wrong. Look I know that celebs should be some kind of roll modle, but then again they are just people and you know they screw up to so it's time they did the time all of it no mater what, but some say hey I'll run to rehab before they catch me that way I can blame it on drugs or something like that, guess what I don't care what they hell is going on in there life. for me a good role modle is the guy how brought me up, my dad and that is where you should look for a roll modle not some stupied celeb because they are more screwed up then you could possably imagin. hell devorice rrate his huge in that world and guess what drugs are part of it so stop say I'm going to rehab for it just go and shut the hell up. I don't want to hear about it. Hell in some cases stopping could kill you. I mean look what happened to that guy from gratefull dead. He did cok and hair for more then 40years and then decissed to stop. His body kind of went wait where is my cok or hair and when it didn't get it the body stopped bang he is dead and the world morns for a hair and cok addic and a whole socity is closed down oops. time to get a real life now guy's so look get off celbs they'll have a better life with out us bugging them and you know if you want to share a line or two with them cool go for it..
It's all Crap...
You know in the end I don't care about Celbs I don't about the oil, but not as much as I should, it just needs to get cleaned up and the people that made the mess need to pay for it for the rest of the stuff that is out there it's just crap. report the ture stuff and for the rest of it who care things happen and we have to deal with it so deal with it and give blame out later because in the end it's all crap.. Fix the damn problem...
Thanks for all the Fish
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