When I finally wake up I was laying in a king sized bed. I looked around and saw I was in my own bed down in C.O.A.R.L. Base. A dule thuding pain was pulseing through my right hip. I layed there with the covers pulled up to the middle of my cheasy and my bath robe covering the rest of me. I reached down inder the blanks and touched my left thigh and felt fabric. I closed my eyes and slife my right hand down under the blanket. It came across fabric as well when it reach my thigh. I opened my eyes to see George standing at the foor of the bed. I lefted my left arm and looked at the brace computer "Three days George."
"Well it wasn't all fun and games." He smiled at me "Let's see what we got." He lifed the blanks to expose my feet. He poked my left foot and I twiched "Good that one works." we both took a deep breath and he poked my right foot. Nothing happened. He keeped poking harder and harder. I felt nothing and my foot was not moving "Well that can't be good." He stopped poking my foot with his fingure and pulled out a needle from his pocket. He poked it lightly into the bottom of my foot to no adviel. The he pulled it back and jammed it into the arch of my foot.
"Ouch" I yelled and pulled my foot away from the needle
"Thats better" George said. "For a second there I was afraided it didn't work."
I let out the breath I was holding in "Good now." and I throw the blanks off "Let's see if it all works." I sat up and slid my right then my left leg off the edge of the bed. My right leg bent perfectly. I sat there on the edge wiggled my toe's and flexing my feet. I took another deep breath and let it out "One...Two..Three." and I stood up. The carpet felt good under both of my feet. I smiled and slowly turned to face George.
"Looks like we did good." He Said
I stood there bare foot in black sweats and green bath robe "Yeah it would apear that you and C.O.A.R.L. did a good job. Thanks." I took a couple of stumbling steps. "A little stiff." I took a few more steps. I walked around the bed and back again stumbling a few times before walking normaly. I closed the door ro rhe bedroom to look at myself in the full leagth mirror. George had taken a seat on the foot of the bed to watch me. "you did a really good job George. Thank you."
George Nodded his head "Your welcome, but does it all work." he asked
"Let's find out.' I opened my robe and drew it back behind me. Like if I was getting ready for anf old fashion gun fight. I dropped my right hand by my thigh and flexed it. The sweats split open and an empty gun holster came out. I flexed my hand again the holster retracked and the sweats came back together. "Works good."
The room took on a heavy chill and I saw George clim up feather on to the bed and out of view in the mirror. I shook my head "You do not come for me when I ask and now you are not called, you come." I turned around and standing infront of me was a figure standing 5foot 8inches in a deep purple robe. There hands up either slide of ther sleaves folded across there cheast. A hood cover there face in complete darkness. "I only asked one thing from you in my life mistress. one thing and I would have given anything for it. All I wanted was my wife back, but no the great mistress Death wouldn't do that for one of her most loylest people." The hooded figure looked up and a white skeleton face came into view. "Now my dear you can not even have me." I turned mu back to her to look into the mirror again "For my immortlity has reached a new level." I could see george in the mirror again and he looked over at me "I am now no longer living or dead. I have vampires blood in me now. I can't die. The vampirsim trying to take over but my own imune system is adapting to it, so I no longer fear death. I can not die." I turned back around to look at Mistress Death "So leave me I have damned myself hoping that one day you might return my wife to me, but now that itself is not possible because we could never be together." I walked towards her "I will always believe in you, but never as I did before." I turned to look at George up by the head board "I'm more harder to kill now then ever before." I turned my back on both of them to look at the sad thing I had become in the mirror again.
As I stood there a Fleash covered hand came into my perival vision touching my shoulder. I shook my head feeling nothing from the touch and the hand retracked out of my vision. There was a thud and the room warmed up. "She is gone." George said.
"I know George." I turned back around and stuck in the floor at the foot of the bed was the tri-sword "I see she has returned my sword." george slowly started to claim down from the head board "So life has then a new twist for me." I looked at george as he got off the bed and stood up "You look a little scared of my guest there George. Did you not think she would show?"
"Mac Over the years I have seen many a things. Some by you and some by others, But I will never be happy to see Mistress Death." George walked over to the sword stuck in the floor. Hew start to look it over with out trying to touch it. "I personaly would be happy never to see her again." He looked up at me over the hilt of the sword "And what's this about you being part vampire?" and he went back to looking over the sword.
"Anikin was going to kill the vampire lord with his sword so I stepped in the way and took the blow." I tapped my new thigh "And instead of bleeding to death. I ejected my claws into the lords trout and jaw caught a handful of blood and slapped it on what was left of my thigh tried to pack it off till I could get down here." I walked over to the tri-sword and grabbed the hilt. I gave it twist and pulled out the dagger. "Here I believe this is what you are looking for." I tired to hand George the dagger, but he throw up his hands not wanting to touch it and even took a few steps back from me "Humans." I said and shook my head and tossed the dagger on the bed.
"Hey npw wait just a mintue." George yelled at me and came charging forward "Don't you dare put me with the rest of that slime. You maybe some great immortel now and why beyond the human factor, but I dear sir. wish to have nothing to do with them." George stopped right infront of me. The two of us where so close we where touching noise to noise.
"have you gotten taller." I said to lighten the now darken mood that had increased ten times. I had for gotten how touchey George could be about the human race and my little remark had really upset him. This was the must upset I had seen George in years.
"No your shorter." He said in a harsh tone "During the operation the brace computer returned you to normal size. Made the whole thing go a lot eazier to." He turned to look at the dagger. "Yupe that's it all right." He turned back to look at me "What are you going to do with it."
I picked the dagger up from the bed "what else?"I put it back in the hilt of the Tri-sword "Put back where it's safe, but that has nothing to do with the future. For now we are going to have to try and move forward as plained. It's just going to be longer."
Now it's just a story but it also becomes what you believe. a story is just a story and no matter what your read for the most part remember it's just a story. there is little to no truth to it, just enjoy it. it's all fun
Thanks for all the Fish
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