Thursday, July 1, 2010

Opps who carry's

Been one of those days..
You know those days where you go to bed and wake up the next morning and you have nothing to do so you spend the day in bed or you just don't want to get out of bed and spend the day at home not looking at the clock and then when you do you go wow when did it get to be that late. Well you know that is kind of what I have had today. I just didn't want to get out of bed this morning and for the few things I need to I did and went right back to it. I never really looked at a clock to se what time it was. I mean yeah I had a few things to do today but in the end it wasn't anything that was really on a time schedule that couldn't be moved around so when I look at the clock and went shit it 11pm I need to go write a bogh real fast i went i don't have anything to write on which has never stopped me in the past I can go on about nothing with great eazy which is fine for me it make the point of a pointless rant. You read about nothing and in the end I think thats where I want to go is no where, even thought I might come up with a good topic ever now and then Most of the time I thinnk it's about nothing and is crap you can say that it is you will not hurt my feeling and you can call me crazy why because I am. I nuts for tring something that I know people have been in the past , but it's something for me to do and at time just clear my head on things that are floting around in it. regardless of what I say or yell you. In most cases it pointless crap that is just comming out of my head a light speed sometimes like now, I have no idea where or what I want to do or say because I spent the day mostly at home . I went out to the gym and a Class this afternoon, but other then that I was at home and tried to spend it in bed listing to the Hitch hickers guide to the galexy and remembering I missed towle day.
Books on CD/Tape/mp3
You know I have somewhat of great hearing I have been call the guy who can hear a bug burp at 100years by a few girlfriend and friend in the past. I can pick up thing that almost no one other hears from time to time so when it's quite I can't fall asleep so I listen to a book that I have read to fall a sleep to. In most case the person reading it boards me to sleep no real people there, Right now I'm doing like three, The Devince Code (It's a story guy's) Harry Potter and the deathly hollows one of my least fav's of J.K.'s and Hitchhikers. Now this is the third time I have tried to get throught this but it's is worth the try. it is intresting. The problem is that I'm using it to fall a sleep to so i kind of hear the same part over and over again, but they are great way's to fall asleep because you know the story already and you can pick up little tthings that you might not have gotten when you read the book because you where either to tired of you read the page to faast or anyother of the three billion reasons. so listing to something is intresting the only real rule is tha tou have to have read the book first. If you haven't read the book then you can't listen to the sound verison thus I have lost of books in the house and now a first generation Kindle. Which is great. I have loaded it with some great free classics which they have right now and all those who are after the I-pad i say ok what ever this was first and you are just building on it and the kindle is for reading not everything else and you can read it in direct sunlight unlike th I-pad which you can't so there. I can read anywhere and find my books at anytime and you need to be indoors and hope you can find a good conection to get you information. Nice thing about First gen's is that they work really well and last a long time. where the later ones not so much. that come down to the parts they use in the later modles because they find what they can make cheaper and cut the coast on this so it's not always a good thing to get the later modle
Second on moving forwards
so if you can find the first gen and go for it. now yeah the later ones have more stuff to it becasue the first are most likly the prototype and they are still seeing what they can add to it so they become fanceyer and everyone want one. Hell I head about the kindle and I wanted one and it was not a matter of what it had I just wanted it because it was cool and I could just start downloading the books as they came out or a few day's later when they came out in a kindle formate. Hell I can write my own stuff which I do have and trun it into a kindle formatte and put it on my kindle if I want. Whcih I haven't don yet I nee to read to learn who to do it. but you knwo I don't think you can do it as eazy with the later modles as you can with the first two. so not everything should be upgraded. as a matter of fact I still have a computer that has windows 98 on it because the new set of windows don't run a recording program I have or a mp3 converter I have. and the program is way to simple for the new versions of windows to figure out. You click and say go that's it so you figure it out what it better the first one with a little less which last forever or the later ones with a the bells and whistles which don't last as long. and if you need proff of that I have a T.V. from the late 60's that still works to this day. I plug and watch old stuff on it....
Thanks for all the Fish

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