Ok so yeasterday I went on about the popularity of Vamps and how there been a boom on Vamps being everywhere. Now I was looking for a good picture to go with that Rant and I couldn't find one. I was going throught my Main fram today and Found this one of Wolverine from 1995. Now I never say the Story line but are good friend Wolverine became the lord of Vamps on a diffrent world. I thoought it was intresting to see that before all this Vamp craze Marvil was dealing with it of course way back in the 70's and maybe even before that they came up with a character know as Blade and later the Night stalkers which had both Blade who was a day walker in Vamp trems her cam move around in the day being a child born of a mother dieing of a vamp bite and a reguler vamp of the more normale trems and moved around during the night and just a reguler guy out to stop evil from taking over. Now a days you have all kind of vamps but in none of the stories of history do Vamps sparkle. It's just not right and more so it's even wrong to have them reflect sunlight that way. Now I can see Vamps having to home one up in alaska during the winter and one down south during the summer. The constant darkness would be a great way to live yoou get more time to spend outside and hunting. any murders that happen you can do far from where you live and you just jet set for a living,but that would be straight thinking if you where a vamp making money off of both your victoms and moving through history itself. Just Vamps are not Sparkly when sunlight hit them. Burst in to ash or flame yes. Walk in it well hiding most of there skin and covering there eyes under heavy sunglass yes. walking around under over cast day yes but sparkling when sun hits them no should not happen it just don't fit any know mythos of Vamps.
Ok back to the Picture. This was what I wanted for yeasterday to show that anyone can become a vamp including the Great Wolverine way back in 1995 two years before Buffy the T.V. show started to air on T.V. now there might have been a Vamp crazy back then to but nothing like it is today. I just can't get use it. Because I have been a fan of Vamps for years and now it would appear that everyone in the world is jumping on this band wagon and it has just exploed into something it is not. Know that Marvil and DC was way ahead of the game is to say something but for it to have become what is has i think is a little bit of an insult to the whole Vamp Market because in some case it destories what they are. Expecaily when you make them sparkle. You can make them more human if you wish because they are, but at some point they are nothing more then creatures that are looking to live and some for some take over part of the world where they can live, but humans are food and they don't sparkle. Look at my buddy Wolverine dose he look like he should sparkle in daylight...
Ok now the bold Factor..
Now when I was looking through my old photos and found the one of Wolverine as a Vamp above I came across this one of the X-men's Bishop. Now you can see there is a problem with the photo because most of it is missing but the part I wanted is there. Back in 94 when he first showed up Bishop had a full head of hair. as a mater of fact it was a long flowing head of hair he looked good and with in a few years the guy was bold. he had no hair at all. Now for me this is kind of stero typing. he's a black guy so he can't have hair let alone long hair so they cut it off. To me this made the character less like able. He looked like any other bold back guy out there is me. I think the long hair on him was great. made him look a lot diffrent then anyone else on the cast and was a good contrest to the Prof. X. The wheel chair bound White bold guy and then to add a black bold guy just wan't needed hell why not give the Prof. Hair that went down to his butt. Now I know there have been changes to Charactors over the years and do to many reality changes things have happend. I mean at one time Wolverine had short hair and the Hulk was short and grey. So a hair change to Bishop shouldn't be to hard to believe but why make him bold. That just to stero typical to turn a black guy bold. why can't you just leave the hair alone.
Now on the flip side of it you get someone like the black Widow when she first appeared back in Tales of suspense is 52 I have no idea what years what was I think some time in the earily 60's Had long hair and she looked ok, but at one point she cut it short and she looks a whole lot better but then what do you she is Russian and part of the Romanova line. so you can see where change is good but in the case of Bishop I think it was a bad move. I like the idea of bold guy's I just don't like the fact they went stero typical with Bishop and made this a bold black guy I think the one white bold guy was more then enough and that having a Black guy with long hair broke the mold on so many levels but they have to do what they have to do.
For Friends and Family
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