You ever have a day where you get up and you start doing things and it never ends. you go from one thing to the next and then when you finally get home you still got to go back out and do other things so you just keep going and going and it seems your day never ends because you can't stand still from one moment. Well I wish I had a day like that. I spent most of the morning sitting around the house looking for a new job on the computer and thinking what else I could do. I didn't even really turn on the T.V. to watch it for anything importen it was there. I might of had a movie or two on. It was a long and boring day for me sitting around the house playing on the computer with a few facebook games and what not's I didn't even think about doing the pile of landry at the base of my bed for the day. The rain is just sucking the life out of me these last couple of days and I'm one that likes the rain, but I guess at one point you can have just a little to much of that so With out watching the T.V. to see what is happening in the real world I don't have much for you. I mean there isn't anything that I could go on and on about but nothing and I know you can't sit ther and read that hey I didn't do anything today not even go to the gym to be bugged by the Five bitchy ladies to get any information. You knwo I don't really watch the news because it's always bad because that is what the news is for to tell you what bad has happened in the world today even in you corror of the world, so it's not that much fun for me. I know I'm bad and you wounder how I could make a deission on things like Imagration and stuff like that, but you know it's what I think should be done. If you are here illeagle geuss what it's time to go and try and enter leagley next time. If you killed someone and you are senctece to death guess wht you get one appeal maybe two at the most and then it's your time to go and with todays laws and eveadence using DNA guess what if you did it you did it and it's time for you to go.
You don't want to knock them off then what..
For those of you how think they should be in prison for the rest of there life think of it this way you pay for there health care which in most cases is better then yours along with the food they eat, the water they use and everything else you have to pay for. you pay for thiers as well. So you double thrip what you pay for one thing just because one guy killed someone and youwant them in prison for life. You you don't want to kill them let's have them life at your place and you take care of them. or better yet let's send them off to war have them fight for our country hell if they run off ok there in the middle of the deseart. you don't like that idea how about this one let's fly them out by helacopper and drop them of to fend for themselvies on and ilsand in the middle of the pacific. that way they can't get back to any main land with out major thinking or building and the chance of them making it are sli, but you knwo some people will try. Look what I am going on here is that we keep building prison when we should be knocking these guy's off. If you know they did it then take them out if you think they did it well let's go to the DNA and other evedince and if that say's yes it's time to take them out as well. Of those that are in for life well lets make some use out of them send them off to war they don't have anything better to do and they have aready either killed someone or can be used as human decorys for the real gut's there isn't much a guy in prison will not thinnk about doing if they can get some freash air and those on death row or that are in for life well we are paying for there shit anyway let's get soemthing out of them. No more of this laing in bed all day and reading book or getting on a computer and making a few college degress because they don't have anything better to do. give them a 6 by 10 hole with a tolet and steel bunk and let's call it a day. you mess up and now you have to pay for it because i sure as hell am tired of taking care of you butt. it time for you to go.
I know it sounds like I say kill them all and in some cases I am or at the very lest let's use them for the great good of the world drop them in a hot DMZ with a weapona package and say you make it out alive will do it a again you make it out a few more time I think you might beable to return to a normale life or you can an work for us. let's stop building and start using what we got. Stop knocking off the inaccent which join of free will and force those that own us something do are dirty work and you know if they get in trouble in the Millity well guess what it's time to go. Once you become a prisonr of the US you have no right and there for it's time for you to work for us and do as we say of your history. no more need to be said about someone who has murder any living human being.
The Bright side...
is there really a brighter side after something like that maybe but you know I haven't seen the sun in a few days and it's been raining a whole lot so the brightness iskind of missed on me I hope you got so and if you did hope you enjoyed it.
To Friends and Family
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