I cupped my hand over my mouth adn yelled out into the open "Hey Can we talk now?"
From behind me a sweet heavy female voice rang out through the air "if you wish we can talk." their was a pause as warm air flowed around Warrior and myself "but I was always inder the impresstion you wanted to fight Mr. McK"
"That is true my dear lady." I slowly started to turn around "but I also like a good game of shess, But it doesn't do me any good because i don't carry a chess board around me all the time." I looked out into the darknen night to see a thick wall of fog appearing before me.
"what is it you wish to discuss then" The voice said coming from somewhere with in the fog. "remember I do have the right to kill you Mr. McK."
"Yes I know this my dear and I thank you.' I bowed low to the fog "For not countiuing your attack on me and my son here.' I waved a hand in the direction for Warrior who was standing next to me.
"My lady" Warrior said as he turned to face the fog and gave it a low bow to show his respects.
"why have you come home McK? You that your presents is not always welcome here." The voice said not even bothering to acknowledge Warrior, The sound of rolling thunder could be hearded again as if far off in the distance.
"We have come at the summons of the person who is now with in the castle." The sound of thunder grow loader with the mention of the castle and a low growl could be heared coming from the fog itself. "It would appear that they have kidnapped two women and brought them here." Warrior turned his head sharply to look at me when I said that there where two women. Blaze he knew about the other one he of couse did not. He was woundering who the second one could possably be. The second Warrior took his eyes off the fog to look at me the sound of thunder grew to an all time high. Still looking starigh into the fog I said "Get down." in a calm and cool voice
Warrior's eye's opened wide realizing he was no longer looking at the fog "Oh Shit!!!" he fell staright to the ground and started to roll back in to the mud hole we had landed in, just as a bolt of lighting came flying towards him. The lighting bolt passed over the top of him as he rolled down the hill. The bolt cought part of his cloak and singed it as he fell. The lighting bolt inpacked with the back of the hole and left a large smoking burn stop of the far side. Warrior had hit the ground with his hands under him reading himself to get back up and being proparded for a second attck if one was to come at him "damn." he said to himself as he push up ontohis feet and came back up the hill.
The lighting bolt shot by my without even givenme the smallest of jolt's. I stood perfectly still looking out into the fog that waas infront of me, as Warrior dropped to the ground and rolled back down the hill side. Not really given much notice to Warriors mistake as he started to make his way back up the hill the sound of thunder started to build again "they have stated that if we wish t have the women back that we are to come and get get them. If we can." I added and reached into the pocket of my pants and pulled out a peice of paper much like the one Warrior had shown me back in the library. I unrolled it and held it out so the fog so it could read it.
Warrior finally made his way back and was standing mext to me looking at the fog again. Not wanting that to happen again was kept his eye's on the fog. Bceause next time there was no telling what might come flying his way, but at the every least he knew it wouldn't be the lighting. "Are you alright?" i said
"Ya. I'm fine. forgot about that for a second." Warrior said.
"Good Now show her your note that Blaze is missing." I rolled the one in my hand back up and placed it back in to my pocket, as Warrior reach into his pocket to get his out and held it out for the fog to read.
"I see.' said the voice from with in the fog "So you do have a reason to be here." There was a long pause "Very well you may go and retrive your women.' The sound of thunder that was starting to build again died down "Are you going to need assetance get to the castle?" asked the fog.
"I believe so?" I said "Do yoou know where I might ........"
I was not even aloud to finsh before the voice cut me off "She's in the town down the road to your left. You should be aware that she has changed in the past few years mcK and that she might not like you much." I nodde my head in thnaks "Oh and her husband.." There was a pause as if the voice couldn't believe she had gotten marriered "Is there as well. He might be of some help as well."
"Thank you your magisty." I bowed to the fog "By youor Leave.."
"By all means and good luck to you Sir." Warrior bowed to the fog and we both turned to the left and started to walk down the back side of the hole. Once we reached the far side and where about to head down the voice rang out one last time "Oh and McK." I turned to look back over at the fog that was starting to fade back into the night "Duck!" and a stream of fire came shooting out of the fog staright at us...
So there you go anyone lost yet. I must say I do keep in in the second and third books right now. I think book one is a little young sounding to me I need to work it out and I might do some of that as I write it out here for you to read, because i know this is the only place that it's ever going to get read if it ever does at that...
For friends and Family
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