Max Dragged me out of the street throught the bar and up three fights of stairs. I just hung there under his grip as ge walked up to the fourth floor of the bar Hotel. Max Dragged me down the main hall of the fourth floor. When he came to the room at the end of the hall he opened the door. The light from the hall shined into the roomlighting it just enough for us to make out the small bed just inside the door and to the right. Max carried me inside and swung me up on to the bed "try and rest. It's going to be a long trip." Max Said as he backed out of the room and closed the door behind him.
The room went dark as max cloased the door and the sound of rain could be heared outside of the window on the back wall. i sat up as best I could. Slowly I looked out the window just in time to see a flash of lighting come alone followed by a low clap of thunder. The lighting illumated the whole room for a just a second. The room had a short dresser under the window, a table with two chairs, the bead and me in it. on the table was a small lamp which once lite could with out a doubt light the whole room. I lended back agaist the wall and just looked out the window at the falling rain. There where two more quick flashs of lighting. The first one showed the rain outside was starting to get heavy. the second one showed a person standing outside the window Looking in at me. I gave a small smile and placed my hands into my lap. I sat there and waited. A few seconds later the window swung out, the rain started to come in. The was another flash of lighting and the person standing was now standing on top of the dresser with the window closed behind them "Hello Fiddler. I said in a rather cherry tone.
"Hi Mac.." a cheery womens voive said back and the dark figure jumped off the dressed "how are you doing this eve?"
"I have been better my dear." I shifted a little tring to get confortable "You know getting an arrow in the back isn't all that good for you."
"Yeah I bet. You want me too take care of it or are you fine..." the figure walked towards me. As they came towards me she gave a small hand guester and the room grow a little bighter. She sat down at the foot of my bed and started to flick at my boot. "You are an intresting person Mac." I shook my head. The Fiddler leaned a just a bit to bring her face into the light. Her hair was a dark black, and short and was spiked out in all directions. Her face was painted white with black around ger eyes, highlighted black eyebrows and black lipsstick. She smiled showing her white teeth "I know you don't like beging assocated with the human race." She seat back and lead on the wall at the end of the bed "but you are part of it, unlike me." She reached down to her side and pulled out one of her dart's "I'm neither eld nor humna. I'm a Drow." she started to spin the dart inbeteen her fingures "Which make me an out cast."
"You. My dear are no more an outcast then I am." I sat as far forward as I could "You may be a Drow, but the Drow'sa are just a diffrent type of elf." The Fiddler sat forward and came noise to noise with me "Remember I'm a immortal self made." I brought my hand up and placed it on her shoulder "so we are both outcast just diffrent kinds." The Fiddler turned her head ever so slightlu and gave me a deep kiss. I brought y other arm up and pulled her towards me. The two of us fell back on to the bed in a warm imbrace.
The Fiddler Broke the long kiss pushed herself up and hovered over top of me with a smile on her face "You are a wounder mac." She brought the dart up "But say goodnight now!"
"Good night Fiddler."
Sje back the dartway back over her head and then in a quick light prick jabbed it to my neck. She Gave me amother kiss just as I blacked out "I can't believe you are here." I smiled as I settled back in to the bed and passed out....
The Fiddler show up...
ok so they keep getting short but they what do you want if I was to keep writing I would be at this all night and would run in to other parts of the story. I'm picking ones that have a ok open and a ok ending so the piece is there for you to read and try and join them together later if you want to. I just hope your having fun reading the story's I kind of like it. I think two is going to be my fav, but then again I need to rework one and write more of three before I can really say which I'm going to like the best I just have a lot of people in this one I like or have been working one for way to many years and this is where The Fiddler shows up and I do like The Fiddler...
For Friends and Family
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