You know it's been a long time sence I had a chance to be tired and sit to watch the sun set and you know tonight isn't a bad night to do that, Cut the front lawn which took a hell of a lot longer then I wanted it to, then I set up a few chairs on the front lawn to sit down on and just watch the majestic that is sun set with a little music beside me Been a long day there isn't much to go on the day started out raining and then slowly started to change and by mid afternoon the sun had come out and I was doing some shopping and well I was out picked up some gas for the lawn motor headed home. a few mintues laters I was out mowing the lawn and having grass fly everywhere. at one point I had to stop the morrow and wipe out the weed wacker to cut some stuff down to size and then start the mower back up. by the time I was done I was covered in grass from head to foot. Then just set up a chair in the front freashly cut lawn and watched the sunset. You know I find it wounderous to watch the watch the sun either set or rise because you know the earth is moving. you know that life is going on all round you and on the other side of the world as well. You are never alone and there is always the sun shining somewhere on the world to brighten someones day because you never know what the weather really be like but for us then the sun is out you have to enjoy it and watch as it leaves us. it's an inporten thing to watch because if you listen really hard you just might hear the sun touch the earth it can be the greatest sound you'll hear..next to the first sounds of a baby just born...
Go and enjoy the things around you because there is nothing like the wounderous of the world and you need to see as many of them as you can when you can because you never knwo when that time is going to end..
For Friends and family
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