When Warrior and myself reappeared on the other side of the doorway we were running down a hallway lined with doors that I had walked down eariler. As we ran down the hall I yelled out "George open the clost." I paused to think of what else we might need for this little mission and to look to see where we were at "And do you have thosenew bulleys I asked for ready yet?"
A Vocie rang out throught the hallway coming from nowhere in particular "The Bullets are more then ready for you and there is a backpack ready for you on the bed." A quick silent pause went out through the hall "The closet is already opem amd I'll be right there with a pack full of clips with the new bullets in a few seconds." there was another silent pause "you know it's not easy putting over five thsound rounds into a single clip for you."
"I know and thanks buddy." I yelled "Meet us in the bedroon." O grabbed the corner of the nexy doorway and swung into the room with Warrior right behind me.
Warrior followed tight behind me into the bedroom as he swung in he said "I haven't been here in years."
I came to s suddent and complete stop right at the foot of the huge king sixed nack that took up a third of the room "Well..'" and warrior came to a stop right next to me "Right now is not the time to remember old times." I pointed to the open walk in closet off to the right of the bed "Load up." I then turned away from the bed. "Brace it's time to pit on some fighting clothes." I paused to think for a few seconds tof what I wanted to wear. I was thinking something very adventues "Outfit 266 I think should do for this kind of thing."
"Great i haven't seen you in that outfit in years. Give me a few second to get the gate ready." The brace computer said "Your always in blacck these day. The gate is ready if you would not mind." I lifted my left arm and the blue beams came out to from between my fingers again and formed the door right in front me. I paused looking at the door and took a deep breath and then walked through it. When I came out the other side I had on a pair of snake skin cowboy boot a pair of heavy faded blue jeans a red T-shirt and a brown hunts vest.
I looked down over the clothes to make sure I had picked the right outfit for this "Ok not what i remember but it'll work." I turned around picked up the brown leather backpack from the bed and put it on. As i sling the pack up over my shoulders I turned around amd shrug my shoulders to adjust the pack into a comfortable postion "Well what do you think?" I was still adjusting the backpack "We should do with are little problem?' and I looked up to see george standing in the middle of the doorway.
George is five foot six wiot brown to black hair and hazel eyes. He is of average build for an man about thirty two years of age and he looked at me as if there was something more wrong with my hair then the fact that the world might end today "Well first move let me set these clips down on the bed." and he held up the bag he was carring in his left hand.
George came limping into the room, due to the fact he had broken his left shin a few days ago. He refused to let me fix it or walk with either a cane or a crutch to keep it from getting worse. He carefully set the pack of clips down of the bed "Ok.." He spun around so my back was to him "First I'm going to remove you stander M60." He reached up under the flap of the backpack and pulled out ther m60 "You wont be needing it this time and I'm taking your old shotgun." He reached under and pulled out a shotgun "And I'm replacing it with a new one that has a thousand shot capasbility." he reached back and pulled a new shotgun out of the bag with clip in it and placed it in my pack "and for your final weapon..." George reached gehind himself "I'm going to put the glave.." he pulled out a large gold star in a leather case "now I'm going to attach it to your belt loop in the back here, so becareful when us sit down will you." He patted me on the right shoulder for me to turn around.
I turned around to face george. "Thanks." I put my hands on his shoulder "Now tale care of Warrior would you please." I pointed over at Warrior who was standing just outside of the closet with an M60 in one hand and a 38 in the other. He looked completly lost as to what he need and wanted "I think he could use a little help." george looked over at him and nodded his head in agreement. "I'll put these new clips in the belts and put then on whlie you deal with him." I grabbed the bag that was laying on the bed and started to pull the clips and bullets that were inside.
"No problem" George slapped me on the back as I stared to put the clips into the belts and walked over to Warrior "well what the hell do we have here." George looked Warrior up and down to see what he had to look with "damn are you a real mess." He took a deep beather "well let's start at the beginning." He looked him over again to see what Warrior had on and was caring on him "Take off your guns and swords and put this bow and arrows on under your cloak." Warrior undid his gun belts and tossed them onto the bed. He then removed his swords from his left hip and threw it on to the bed next to his guns and grabbed the leather strap of the arrow quiver that George was handing him. Warrior unbuckled the leather strap slid it up over his shoulder and rebuckled it on his cheast. "Now for the fire power that you're going up agaist you going to need a pair if seven shooters because they have the new two thousand round capacity and I would guess about a hundred grenades that you can carry on your gun blet there "George stepped back once again to look Warrior over "I think that and your Tri-sword for hand to hand combat should do you." George nodded his head "stay right here while I go and get what I nned for the closet." George stepped pasted Warrior and headed into the closet to get what he needed.
Warrior quickly turned to me once george had disappeared into the closet and was out of hearing range "Father! What the hell is this guy talking about?"
I stood upp straight after I had finshed clipping the last of the clip belts to my thigh "What do you mean?" I looked over at the closet to see that george was moving things around inside to try and find what he was needing "He's getting stuff for you that you are going to need to fight the final battle." I paused to look at Warrior who had a look of disbelief on his face "The fight of the next decade if you will."
"Yeah ok I get that." Warrior shook his head believeing some of the things that george was going to get him "But some of the stuff he is talking about..." He pointed behind himself at George in the closet "This is impossable and could never really existed?" Warrior was looking at me still with a puzzling look on his face.
I stared to nodd my head as I adjusted the belts attached to my left thigh "Warrior you have been around and see more things in world to know better then that and trust me it exists." I looked up at him "Just look at your bag of holding that you have been caring for years." I pointed over to the closet where george was still moving things around "George has just made a few adjustments to the spell and placed it on to a few more things inwhich we use." I finshed adjusting the belf and stood up straight "and trust me with these new bullets he had been working on we should be able to kick so royal ass." I shook my head in amusment "This is going to be one hell of a fight." I lefted my eyebrows.
George camew out of the closet with a gun belt that had a pair of seven shoots hanging over his left shoulder and a small bag in his hand. He walked back to Warrior who turned around just in time to see george come out of the closet "here." He handed hims the gun belt "here are the seven shooters and in this bad..." George held out a small leather pouch "...Are the grenades that I think should do any given job." and he hand i them over to Warrior.
Warrior took the gun belt and started to put it on "You're sure that there's a hundred grenades in that bag." He nodded to the pouch he was holding out.
"There might be a little more then a hundred in here I just dummped a case or two but there can't be more then a hundred in there." George jumped in "Oh and I wouldn't throw them around to much. They a little diffrent then the normal ones. I have add a few things." I looked over at George for him to explain a little more knowing that my backpack was caring over five thousands of them "I add a little glass vile of nitro to them and roll that in some plastic. It makes for a bit heavier bang, It makes the front blast so much stronger." I nodded my head "Ok your all set there." George walked over to me "Here's your lighter, cigarettes and hat." he handed me a silver cigarette case, a shiny silver lighter and a black fedora hat.
"Thanks!" I put the cigarette case in the inside pocket of the vest along with the lightwe, took the hat twirled it in my hand and placed it on my head. "Ok now where is the stapler?" George reached behind him and pulled out a stapler and handed it to me. I look at the stapler to make sure it was the right one and then took it from George and started to staple my hat to my head "All right. Let's get out of here." I throw the stapler on to the bed next to Warriors old gun belt and swords touched Warrior on the shoulder "Bye George." and we sank down into the floor..
Ok that took way to long to write out and now I remember why I like to do the little ones I can get on with the night so I hope you enjoyed it..
For friends and Famliy
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