Book one: at the Hospital part 1
When we arrived at the hospital Warrior’s father kicked in the doors to the emergency room which went fling off the hinges and fell to the floor and yelled "get the hell out of my way." Everyone in the ER jumped to the side clearing the hallway. He rushed in passed the registrations desk turned to the closets nurse he could find "where the hell is the x-ray room." Be said strinly trying not to show he his true furstaion.
The nurse dressed in pink ER scrubs looked at the unconstous Blaze in his arms and said "Right this way." And started to run down the hall leading him to the x-ray room. We ran through the corridors yelling the whole time "clear the way." We rounded the last corner and the nurse rammed a door on the left side of the hall open. All of us went running into the clean room as the nurse turned to leave she said "I’ll get a doctor. "
Warrior walked past everyone and behind the protective shielding. His father quickly turned to the nurse before she could leave the room and shouted at her for the first time "No!!" he paused to calm his voice and the nurse stopped at his loud voice "I’ll take care of this myself, just check with your chef and tell him to have an OR ready." He was trying to be polite to the young woman since she one didn’t know what was happening and was the first to help him. "but thank you." The nurse nodded not sure what to make of the situation and ran off to find the chef. Warrior Father laid Blaze down on the table moved the film plated into place "all right shoot it."
With me still hanging on his back Warrior hit several buttons and took the x-ray. After taking three or four more that where needed I finally said "Aye is it alright if I get down now?"
Warrior looked over his shoulder "huh Oh ya." He paused for a brief second and took more X-ray "Sorry forgot that you were back there." I let go of Warriors neck and landed on feet first on the floor. My right leg buckled and I stumbled a little. Warrior reached out and grabbed me before I fell to the floor. "You alright." I nodded my head and then the two of use walked out from behind the shielding "All right I’ll take the pictures doen to developing while you two take care of her." He looked over at his father then over at me "and I’ll see you in the operating room on a little bit father." I walked over and stood just of Warriors fathers "Which either one of you is there." We both looked at him "and I hope you have time to have a talk to because you too need it." And he bolted out of the room.
Warriors Father looked at me across the table with Blaze laying on it and we both shrugged our shoulders not knowing what he was talking about. Warriors Father lifted his left arm and pointed his index finger at me "I think it’s time we get things back together." He pause "wouldn’t you say old man." He lifted his right eye brow looking at me.
"You know Mac." I started to say "This is getting interesting." I took a deep breath preparing for what was to come next and started to walk around the table "But yes let’s get it back together and play this one out ." Warrior’s Father pushed a botton on his left forarm with his right index finger and I turned my back to him as he came around the table. Once he was standing behind me Warriors Father too a step forward into me as I took a step backwards. We Slowly started to blend together to become one person. I grew a few inched, a five o’clock shadow started to appear and the clothes I was wearing changed. Once I was all together into one person I spun around carefully picked Blaze up and kicked opened the door to see the chef and the nurse that help use earlier standing there in the hallway I said "I need an operating room." I raised my tone just a little "right now please.."
The chef look at Blaze laided out in my arms and said "we have one already for you right this way. You haven’t been here in sometime I must say." And he turned and started to walk back down the hall towards the ER.
I shook my head at the fact the chef was walking down the hall raised my voice a little bit which startled both the nurse and the chef "Oh come on chef!! Let’s move it! This girl has a deep cut through her shoulder and could die as you are walking to the one room we need to get to as fast as possible." I let out a low growl "Come on move!! Shit!!!" The chef and nurse both started running down the hall with me right behind them.We passed through the ER which was a mess with doctors and nurses running around responding to a five car crash that had just come in. We headed straight for the express elevators and went up to the fourth floor. We exited the elevator and made a sharp right and bursted into an empty operationing room.
"In here" he said and pushed open the doors wide.
"Thank you." I flew by both the nurse and chef "That will be all for now. I’ll send someone down to help out in a little bite." The Chef closed the doors and I could hear them head back to down to the ER to help with the car crash. I gently set Blaze down on to the operating table.
The room was nice and clean. It was white with heavy and powerful flouoresence lights on the ceiling and a respirator off in one corner, a cutting tray by the table which was on the middle of the room. A gurney was against the far wall. Which I could have used earilier instead of carring Blaze everywhere. The room was so clean the even the air smelled stale for the room being cleaned every day with cleaning solvents and bleach and almost made me sick, but I had smelt worse in my time.
Ok so this was yeastersday post. it was a cut and paste for yeasterday. I took a few hours the other day to set this up so I could post it earily before I left for night. it was a long night and I knew when I got home I wouldn't have time to get to the saturday story so I set it up but the computer I had up before I left didn't have the paste option that I needed. so you don't get a sunday story you get the saturday that I set up just because I spent time on it and I want it out there for nothing more then that reason. so there you go and sorry for the short post yeasterday morning.
ok so hope you enjoyed tonight and maybe I'll make up the sunday story and give you two post either next week or a story durning the middle of the week so enjoy
For Friends and Family
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