You know ever one is in the world is nut's I mean when it comes to something that we really like/enjoy we become nut's and that goes for every single person I know and byond. I was out driving around today and I saw to people bantering with one an other because they where wearing diffrent shirt. one had on a L.A. lakes an the other had the celtics on. Now you could tell they where joking with on another, but they where just going off on one an other. and this was just two people at a store talking back to one another think about if you where the wrong guy at the game itself the pain and fun you could have. Now here we are talking about the Lakes vs the Celtics which is a classic fight, but still people are nuts when it comes to there home teams. Now just I know for a fact and I know my brother with say I don't think so, but I got pictures somewhere was a Boston Fan in L.A. for a while during the 80's. He was a larry Bird fan. but then again Bird was one of the few white boy's playing the game at the time and you always got to hope for the white guy when he is playing basketball, there are so few of them. It's like a black guy playing hockey you just don't see it and when you go you got to give the guy so kind of prise. he keeps working on getting it. so fans can be nut's...
Now Music Fans...

Now music fans they are a little diffrent because they are after the preformer so that is something a little bit diffrent, but still some of them are really nuts but you know I just have to say Michal Jackson is dead leave his him alone. there is some crazy as move coming up the dude is dead leave him alone and you know Jackson fans can be nut's they fight to get a front row seat the smach each other to try and see him, but you know what the dude isn't all that great. I know there are other singers have the same problem but then look Tylor Swift, I know she has had a few problems I know there are bands have had great problems people are just nuts for stupied reasons and you we all do it for many a diffrent reasons. I have seen fights at conscerts for t-shirts I have seen hecklers at comdey shows because they find it fun. so there many reasons but in general people are nut's and there is nothing we can do about it.
For Friends and Family
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