Personal Info...
Ok so I knew I would have to get around to who I am sooner or later because it's just the way this thing was going to go and to get to tonights pointless rant your going to have to know a few facts about me which is something I'm not sure I really want done but what the hell I kbew I would have to do it soon or later because i'm going to have to go off on my life as it;'s is sooner or latter because it's what is out there and well it has to happen. So in short I'm married to a woundfull women at lest most of the time she is and if you haven't gotten that from the past when I talk about the other side of the house then you might have been woundering if I was guy but I'm not I'm a married guy with two kids One Boy and yes I'll have more on him later because well he is a boy and a Girl and yes I do have a gun for the boyfriends and other thing like lot of duct tape to take care of everything I need. so there you go just a little about me that I felt your going to need for this one on brith control because yeah it's a big one...
The Five Bitchy ladies...
Ok so now you know I Don't always watch the five bitchy ladies at the gym because I have to sometimes it's on at home. well this one was a about a week old and I walked in on it they where talking about birth control and most of what I got was condoms condoms and more condoms. Now I'm all for condoms they come in handy when you don't know what your dealing with when you are meeting someone new and haven't really had that talk about brith control. so keep a pack or two in you glove compartment or where ever you need it, but birth control is not just a mans things. it does come to the women as well. is it more to the women them the man Hell no as a matter of fact i think they guy has to know what he is getting himself into before he does anything but at the sametime if the woman doesn't want to get pregent then she should be doing something as well.
The Contract..
Now this is what I partly heared from the five bitchy ladies is that a guy and woman got married and agreed they didn't want to have any kids. yet a mistake happened and they got pregent and they dealt with it. what they did I didn't catch so I don't know if they have the kid or not. Now they where pregent again and the wife was bling the husband for it now they where going on about condoms and how they should be using them well they might have and it didn't work you know the best ones are only at the most 98.7% effective and then they went on to abstance. now come on your married when yoou get a chance you have to take it because you don't get it that offten as it is when you first where getting together or that first year of being married. so these two had a contract that they wouldn't have any kids but it sound as if the husband was the one responsable for it all so to get a good low % of not getting his wife pregnet he should have had a Vassextamy which is all of a 15mintue clint viest and then you get to lay on your back for the next 24hours kind of cool comming from a guy who has had it done. now if the guy didn't want to have this done the women could of had her tubs tied or had the IUD put in place or any other thing that women can have done to stop thenself from getting pregent like throw there husband off and say I got a headack..
Look when it come to brith control both part are the responcable ones the guy for knowing his partener enough if he is not going to use a condom which is dumm in the first place and the women for being safe in the end. I think the Pill was one of the best things made now they have made it so you can only take like four a month and I think four a year which I think is a little ruff on the womans body myself and if they ever do come out with the man Pill I say star handing them out to every guy in the world women have been talking this shit for years now it's our turn. we both have to take the time to be safe from everything that is happening when it comes to birth control. I know a few friend that where keeping the condom companies in bussness for a few years. I might not have been that out there when I wanted to but that was more to the fact I didn't have a condom on me at the time but I have to say when I knew I was dating a girl that was on the pill we where a little more adventures. Even when I got married we had some fun. so you can see responcablity to me for this one is more to the guy but the woman has to take a lot on herself. and guy's if you don't want kids I say go make that clinc viste it's not that bad. a little prik a slit a couple of cuts and burning fleash and your done. I have to say a root canale is a lo woest then a vesscatemy as a matter of fact I was talk to my doc the whole time a didn't notcie anything after the novicane went in tell I smelt the burning fleash but that was just an after thing. So take it on yourself if you don't want kids go do something about it. Women look know what you are getting into If you want to have saex great but make sure your brith control is working and if you are sure you don't want kids talk to your doc about getting those tubs tied. Look I know it's a lot more ruff that's why I for married guys to get vesscatimeys so much eazies, but women you can have it done to. those tubes being tied is another options if your married and even if your not but you have to really talk your doc into that one so in the end reponceablity is both of your and you just have to make the right choose on this and you can't blane the other one if you get pregent, and didn't want kids in the first place there are many of things that could be done to stop it from happening you just have to do it and not wait for the other person. use what is out there and the first one that come up with the religon card to me. I have a nice cliff I want you to jump off of.
Religon and Birth...
If you don't want kids then your religon is out the window it has nothing to do with what you do to stop it. The mintue you bring religon into it I say go jump off a cliff. If your are religous and think you are not going to have kids with out taking somekind od heavy measures then you are really stupied. there is no way in the world that that is going to work. religon and kids is something you are not going to get around they don't mix. The Bible say's go forth and mutiple as do so many other books.you can not get around reproducing when it comes down to religon so no you can not be that religous and not want kids. If you have a good faith in something you will have kids that is just the way it is. I know one women she got pregent got married and for then next I would have to day 5 year she was either pregent of just gave birth to a kid. If you think that 19 kids is nuts well guess what there are others out there with bigger family becaus ethere mother has been pregent for there whole life so not birth control not wanting kids and religon don't mix. say away from it. it's not a winable debate in my opionon and I have tried on both sides...
Do what you must....
We are human and we have to do what we think is right for us and diffrent people want diffrent things. so the choose not to have kids is something you choose to do great just do what you have to to make sure it doesn't happen other you will lose that fight, but have fun in the end just be safe not mater what you do...
For Friends and family
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