most of time...
You know most of the time my day goes by fairly simple I can get up get dressed start my day doing the things I need to do and come home. Well todat I had to run across town and try and find something. it was going to be one of those yeah this store has it go get it kind of things but you just didn't want to make the trip. Well in this case I made the trip and what they had was not what I needed. so it started to work my way home stopping off at a few places thinking that they might have it or logicly should have it or at the very least know what I was talking about. In almost every store I walked into and asked for it I got the blank look for what they hell is that or I have no idea what you are talking about. In the end I started to walk into store just to see the look on the person face when I asked for what I was looking for, In the end I never did fid what I was looking for and the bloody thing is only like 2bucks maybe 3, but I'll keep looking just to see the look on people faces now knowing almost full well that on one has what I'm looking for and most people today don't even know what the hell it is so well see what happpens.
The Movies...
holy cow have the movies got expenive. It cost me a gand total of 113 buck to take a family of four to the movies and dinner. The price of the tickts where 50buck for a 4:50 showing popcorn and drink where another 30. So just at the theater i spend 80 buck is that insane or what. that is 20buck a person, so sucks. Now I know why I don't go to the movies as much as I use to and watch a bunch of netflix and watch my library that I have at home. works good for me plus combined with the on demad stuff that is free I am more then set most of the time. You know at the very least I can say I enjoyed the film, but the price is just gone nuts. I remember one time I was able to put together something like three hundered penny's so I could go and see a movie after stopping at the back. I know I couldn't do that today I would need over thousand pennys and can you imagin walking into a bank with a thousand pennys to trade them in for cash. They would send you to mone of the coin star machains to take care of that, but that was just insane 80 bucks at the movie theater just to see one movie. I can't really believe that these day's with the econemy in the tolet like it is. oh well you know sometimes you just have to do what you need to and be scaried of the total price later which is what I was, because I wanted to see the movie in the theater and I was talking my family with me, I just wasn't thinking I would do it tonight and that it would coast me 80buck to do it, but in the end it did no more when I took them if it was monday or today. it just sucksbig time but then again the movies have alway cranked up the price of the snacks. that is where they make there money, but I do say if you can stay home and watch something together as a family. not as expencie and you can pause to go to the restroom...
For Friends and Family
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