Opening of book one
January 23
On a cool winters day in the city of stanton Hills off the Pacific ocean in the Canadan Province of British Columbia, a dark figure stood peering out of the window of a castle. The castle he was standing in was part of an exclusive club that he was not part of. The dark figure stood far enough back in the shadows so that no one could see him. He was standing there thinking of a plain that would change the lives of the people that lived in this city as well his very own, but he wouldn't learn that part till much later in hos life. On this day in January he was plainning on going to the dance that was to take palce in a few days from now, but in order to go him was going to need a date and for this occasion the club had set up what was to be know as the "Great Date Chase" and he had asked me to sign him up for it. He know full wee that by entering the Great Date Chase he would end up with a date and that his date would be a crafty woman in deed. The only problem he could see was that Troy Jeffers, The most sought after man in Stanton Hill was also entering the Great Date Chase, just for the fun of it this year. Troy wanted to see if his curtent girlfriend could catch him after all the years he had cased her it was time to turn the tables on her.
The "Great Date Chase" is a very simple thing and anyone who could afford to go to the Grand Ball the next night is allowed to enter. The rules are simple The men get sent out into the streets of Stanton Hills. They are all released on foot from the front gates of the Club earily in the morning. Then the women are sent out after then about an hour later also starting on foot. The women do everything in there power to catch one of the participating men and of couse the men do everything they can to stay free. To claim a guy as their prize all they woman has to do is catch one of the guys and wrap her arms around him. A color dye is then transfored to the shirt the man is wearing showing that he has been cought. This commites the guy to take that person to the Grand Ball that is to take place the next night and tell other women that he has been cought. The chase has never lasted more then a few hours, but this year the dark figure knows that by entering himself that, that would change. Because he was going to use everything at his dispossal to stay free for as long as possable.
I was finsing up the paper work and handing in the forms for the dark figure. I was about to leave the registration area when a couple of women who had enter the chase a few days eariler, when they had heared that Troy Jeffers was going to entered chase came over to me. A young woamn with black hair and eye's, dressed in a pair of dark blue pants and a wite top known as "Switchboard" the towns noisy gossip columnist/reported, shoved a recorder in my face and I turned away from the table. I had to take a step back and bummed into the table because she had pushed so far into my face "What are you doing here." She asked.
I pushed ht recorder out of my face and just simply replied "I'm signing up a good friend of mine for the Chase tomorrow." I looked around at the other women that where stand there "You can't have all the fun knowing everything switchboard." I smiled broadly at her.
In a sarcastic tone Switchboard said "Well if he's a friend of yours then he's not really worth catching now is he. He doesn't have any kind of talent." and she throw here long black hair back over her shoulders and started to laugh.
I jumped right in on top of her with a strong voice that made her take a few steps back from me "Thta is what you think." I relaxed the tone in my voice knowing that I had made my point and changed it to something a little more mysterious "You just wait 'til tomorrow." I gave another broad smile to eveyone "He is going to knock your bobbi socks off." and I stepped by her and made my way through the other women around her slowly struting away. I knew they would run over and ask to see the paper work to who I had signed up which was there right as women in the race. I would leave them to ponder over who I had entered, because the name on the registration paper work would tell them absolutely nothing at all.
Ok so that is who everything starts on this three book adventer throught time and space. Nothing big and even as I was writing this out for you to read I made a few changes. I'm just not sure if it's any good. Of couse then I don't know if any of my writing is any good I just do it for the fun of it as much as it would nice to do for a living I know that is not going to happen so try and enjoy theses stories because most likly you never see them anywhere else.. amd have you seen any of the stolen stuff yet if not wait tell later. in book one it's everywhere.
For Friend and Family
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