I reached over grabbed his wrist "Now" and the two of us jumped of the last step and fell throught the landing. We enter a pitch black void of space. We fell for over a mintue, before the two of us hit hard ground. Vincent hit harder then I did and his kness buckled out from under him. As Vincent fell to the ground I let go of his wreist, so not to be pulled down with hi, "Got to watch that first step. It can be a real winner."
Vincent started to stand up"Yeah no kidding." He looked around and saw nothing, but the pitch black that was incasing us. There was nothing at all not even a single light or sound "where are we?" I can't see anything."
"That doesn't suprise me. There isn't anything to see." I raised my left arm "light" and the brace computer start to glow. Warrior slowly start to appear next to me "This is not like the last time you wanted out. "I turned around to look into th pitch black around us. "This is the cross roads to nowhere. Vincent came and stood beside me "Here is where you make you real choose." Vincent looked at me. I just staired out into the darkness "This is the one thing I can't change." I turned to look at him "When you step in the darkness You'll become Warrior once again and you'll land on our home land." I turned to look back into the darkness..
Vincent raised his hands to look at them. His left was the lion claw of the Warrior and his right was the human hand of vincent. Here before him was the choose of chooses. "Hand what if I did not want to be Warrior again?" He was stairing at his left hand thinking of all the things that come with becoming the Warrior again.
"Then look up and raise your right hand and you well return to the earth realm." I said flattly "but you lose Blaze till I have time to get her and even then I'm not sure she will be returned. You are the one the note said to come and get her."
"Or jump into the black abyss become Warrior and Blaze will be returned to me." He looked back and forth between his two hands.' For the human heart I must give it up." He closed his hands and eye's and jumped into the black abyss and I jumped in after him Knowinf full well what was going to happen to me.
When the two of us reappeared we fell out of the sky into a huge mud crader. The sky was dark and the moon was covered in light clouds giving us little light to see by. I looked over and Vincent was no longer Warrior was laying on theground next to me "You know we are going to need a little help getting to the castle." I carfully started to stand up. Once I was standing on my feet I looked down at Warrior seating with his back agaist the muddy wall looking up at me.
Warrior wiped his hands on his pant and looked around the mud fulled crader that we had laned in "and who do you think we should get to help us." paused looked around the crader and then at his hands covered in the heavy dark brown mud "I mean look at us. We haven't been here in years who is going to help." The sound of thunder clap went of. Warrior turned his head from side to side tring to see of he could tell where the sound had come from..
"Well.." I started to say as I looked up over the craves of the crader "Oh SHIT!!!" I yelled and dove for the ground. Just as I landed face down in the mud a stream of Fire camr fling over top of the two of us. The heat from the fire was so intence that it started to dry the mud on the right right under neith us "Well not her." I said as I looked up at Warrior spitting mud out and the fire stream still ragging over head. I rolled over on to my back as Warrior slide down futher into the creader to watch the fire fly over head "I guess she is still upset with us."
Warrior looked over at me "US!!" he said loudly "I never did anything to her." He pointed at his chest "Your the one she is piussed at." The fire storm came to a stop "Well she isn't going to charbroil us."
"Ya I guess Not" I looked over at him "Go see what next would you." and I pointed up
"Are you kidding?!?" He said as if I had asked him to do something completelt impossable
"No" I said "We need to know whats next. I got the first one which was fire." I patted myself on the chest "You get whats next and then we both go. We take turns" Warrior lookwd at me as if I was nuts "I got fire, your turn. and I pointed up towards the sky.
"Ok I'll go" Warrior turned over and started to crawl up the side of the wasll and peeked over "I don't see her."
"Put your head up all the way and she'll she herself." I said as I laided flat on my back waiting.
Warrior looked down at me "Alright, but I better not loose my head over this." He looked back up and stood up just a from inches so his head was completely above the rim. Then off in the distance there was another clap of thunder and Warrior caming flying back down on to the ground as a very land and powerful lighting blot light up the sky and over our heeads. Warrior laid flat on his back with his head down by my feet. He titled his head up to loo at me "lighting. She done with that one."
"Ya I guess so. here. I reached down to help him get up right. "But this brings up as to c=who could help us thought all of this."
Warrior grabbed my hand and spun himself around "Really? You want to talk about that Now."
"Ya sure why not." We both started to climb up th wall to look over "You know this does take so much time when she does find us."
"I know. I wish she would talk to us first." Warrior looked over at me "I hate having to do this."
"Yea me too." We both started to stand up to see what was coming next. "anyway I was thinking that we could get.." and there was a loud wissing sound.
Warrior lookout across thecountry side then over at me "Oh no your not!!??"
"Yes I am." and the two of is dove for the ground. We laide and slide down the side of the crader to the center as a stream of what and blue came fling over head. "Nice snow storm" I said as the ground around us started to freezze "Two more to go."
"Yupe and your up."
"I know.. RRR." I started to crawl up again "but what do you think about my idea for help."
"I think your nut's" Warrior said Still laying flat on his back watching me climb up the wall "That girl is crazier then you and Blackjack together."
"I looked back at him and smiled "I know that's what makes it fun." and I stood up straight "It'll be great to have her along." and there was another loud wissing sound.. "Hold your breath.' I dove for the ground again. The aear was ingolfed in a green cloud of smoke as I hit the ground next to Warrior.
The Cloud settled over us for a couple of mintues then quickly disapated "I don't know father." Warrior said as he started to climb up the wall again "That girl can really lose it in a fight an really fast. I remember one time she rush and undead creater at one point." He looked back at me "Last one right."
"great I get to be spit at." He stood up "I mean she's not all their." and off in the distance there was the sound of a large createrChoking back something and then spitting "But i guess so." and Warrior dove for the ground as a stream of brown liquade came fling over head. It hit the far wall and started to eat away at the mud "Well that is done. I'll never under stand why those two don't just kill one another."
I Stood up reached down and offered Warrior my hand to get up "Because they can't." Warrior grabbed my hand and I started to pull him up "They always fight to a stand still." I paused "You know those two a single fight ni magic and no breath weapons. just one on one." I turned around to look out at the hurizon where everything had come from. "Dragon Queen VS Master Dragon slyer, but How they camt to this distion is byond me." I cupped my hands over my mouth and Yelled out into the open "Hey can we talk now?"
back in time.
So I took you back in time from the first peace you readed last week but I did say I would jump around so just take it for what it is and remember that the weekends are now a story more then a rant spelling mistakes and all...
For Friends and Family
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