You get this a lot don't you....
I know you get a lot a crap about nothing because really I do a lot of that I have been tring to get away from the T.V. and I don't read a lot a newspapers these's days so there isn't much to go on about so it makes the pointless rant that much more boring to you which I do have to say is dumm on my part, because I wanted to try and find something jucey to give you everyday and you just not getting it so it comes down to just writing something out at least once a day no matter how I feel. A couple of day's I felt like crap and wrote that out for you but at the very least i told you to run first because I was feeling like crap and had nothing for you. Now the weekend is comming and I have gotten to the point that the weekend is going to be parts of three books I'm writing at the time so hey at least you have something to go over and look at once a week if you need to be confused and entertain about witha bad writer. Today being friday I was just moving almost sence I got up this morning.
Can't really get my head around
Ok here something in a small town like mine, why can't people learn to get on the freeway and start doing the speed limit or at the very least start to speed up when they are on the on ramp. I must stay that I get behind of the slowest guy's that are out there. they get on the on ram and just do the 30miles they would do if they where on the street untill they get on the freeway itself by which time they have slowed down the whole freeway because they don't know how to speed up on the on ramp and when you are looking at a big rig in your mirror coming at you at 65 miles an hour you know you got to get moving or your going to be under his wheels abd truest me we got enough riggs around here to do it and they care everything as a matter of fact one lost a hey bundle earilier today and the I saw a rigg in my rear view mirrior step on his gas peddle just a little more and hit the thing square on. Hey everywhere. we all moved around it but this guy was going through it and boy did he ever. made it a little earier for everyone to drive not having to worry about missing this big hey bundle in the middle of the road but it went everywhere when he it. it was a beautful thing will not make clean up earier but then again now it can just blow away and help furtailer the plants and grass on the side of the freeway..
So this is it...
as really it stated in the opening shirt i think up as the day goes on the problem being a lot of time is I don't watch some kind of news or see something that buggs me or I can say soemthing about your all at a lose. you get mindless dribble and can run and hide or turn the page which is something I really don't want but is soing to happen more then I know so I'm the one who bugged by the fact I don't see enough to write something out for you so you get me writing about myself being bugged about it. and that in now way makes any sence but there it is..
Darth Vaders Mental Health
now I copied this right from the page itself it by by Mike Krumboltz · June 9, 2010 and just had to show it off because it was just so intrestinly stupied..
His enemies and underlings are painfully aware that Darth Vader is highly irritable and prone to bursts of anger. But until now, we don't think anybody knew that the Dark Lord of the Sith may have suffered from borderline personality disorder.
According to a popular blog over at CNN, French researchers have concluded that Mr. Vader (aka Anakin Skywalker) has, at various times, exhibited six of the nine criteria for borderline personality disorder. To be diagnosed with BPD, you need only showcase five of the behaviors.
Just what are these traits? Well, there are the unstable moods that Vader suffers. One minute he's happy because he sliced Obi-Wan Kenobi in half. The next, he's all huffy that his subordinates let the Millennium Falcon escape. And when Vader ain't happy, ain't nobody happy.
There are also his unstable relationships to consider. Over the course of the "Star Wars" movies, Vader has tried to kill his son, Luke Skywalker, multiple times. However, he also saved Luke's life from his boss, the impossible-to-please Emperor Palpatine. The researchers write that Palpatine had a "dark and destabilizing influence" on Vader and likely contributed to his borderline personality.
And the issues don't stop there. Vader blew up his daughter's planet, and froze his future son-in-law, Han Solo, in carbonite. And Vader's mother? Oy vey, don't even get him started with the abandonment issues.
A related piece from LiveScience explains that the Darth Vader example may help teach students of psychology. A well-known fictional character is easy for people to understand and diagnose. And Vader is nothing if not well-known. He's perpetually in the public eye. Heck, the guy even endorses shoes.
Could anything have saved this troubled half-man, half-machine? Researchers feel that "psychotherapy would have helped" Vader and may have stopped him from turning to the dark side. "Using the dark side of the Force could be considered similar to drug use: It feels really good when you use it, it alters your consciousness and you know you shouldn't do it," says Eric Bui, a psychiatrist at Toulouse University Hospital in France.
Of course, all this is rather ridiculous, as The Los Angeles Times points out. Borderline personality disorder is a very serious problem for many people, mostly young women. Still, we suppose that Darth's diagnosis raises awareness of the condition. About time Vader did some good.
Now who as the time to look at something like this a go het the guy might be borderline personality disorder, why not just ask the guy who made him up and find out for sure, but then again if you can see that in the guy from almost day one then you have a problem of course the guy is a mental problem. He's running around killing people with his mind for the fun of it yeah I would say there is a problem there. when he was burn alive he kind of really lost himself, but I think when you go back and he killed kids intead of tring to get them on his side is where he really lost it. so to take time and money to figure this out just isn't right but hey give the guy credit he dose say his is borderline and doesn't have a personality disorder...
Alright go enjoy the night have a few hunder drink and reget getting up in the morning...
For Friends and Family
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